5:15 AM?!

Today started very early!!! I’m subbing at Hunter’s school today so I had to get my work-out and 43 before I left.  The good news is, it is only 7:00am and I’ve done my work-out and gotten ready for the day!!  The bad news – I might have lost count during my 43 and done 10 extra – I figured more is always better! 😀

The 43 of the day was a roll-up or get-up.  Start on your back with arms over-head and roll  up.  Pop up onto your feet with a jump then lower  down and roll back to start.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tQ-WIfRcEk’]

(It is light out only because I had Hunter film my demo yesterday since I knew this morning would be early.  I really did my 43 this morning!!)

If you want to make these more challenging, keep your hands behind your head the entire time.  (Turkish get-ups)

After the 43 I did 2 of my favorites:   Upper 20 and Lower 20 both part of Turbo Fire with Chalean.

6th grade – here I come!!!

Kim :Aerobics: