Category Archives: Core

Breast Cancer Walk Today!!!

I’ll post the 43 in a minute but first I wanted to say how excited I am for the Breast Cancer Walk later today.  Our team, Boobz and Doodz, has raised some money to help support Breast Cancer research and now we are looking forward to walking the 5K together for a great cause!!!  WooHoo!!!!

OK – the 43 saw the return of my BOSU ball.  This thing has so many uses!


Today, I used it for some cardio.  Start standing behind the BOSU. Step up with right foot then left foot. Step right foot off the right side, then left foot off left side.  Step back up with right then left foot and jump up with both feet landing in the center of the BOSU. Step off the back with first right foot then left foot.  Repeat to your goal – 43 for me!

[youtuber youtube=’′]

It is a little harder then it looks just because you have the balance issue which is super great for working your core!

Enjoy your Sunday!  I know I will with the Boobz and Doodz team!


Burpees with the Boys

Saturday!!!  Only a 43 today – rest day otherwise!

Today the boys did the demo for me.  Hunter is planning to do his age (11) at some point but decided breakfast needed to take priority!

Burpees (sometimes called squat thrusts) are always hard for me.  I think it is the combination of moves done in a quick manner – I don’t know but it is something I always have to force myself to do.  Start standing then quickly put hands on floor near feet. Jump feet back to plank position. Right away, jump feet back to hands. Stand and jump into the air then repeat.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

There are many ways to really increase the intensity of the burpee.  One very common way is to add a push-up every time you are in the plank position.  For my 43 I decided to just go with the version without a push-up. (lots of push-ups already this week)

Enjoy your weekend!!


43 In The Car


I am on my way to Texas for a weekend of shopping with my sister.  But, I still wanted to do a 43.  I got in some toning work by tightening my butt and stomach muscles and holding them.  As I drove through Kansas, I used the mile markers as my reference.  I tightened the muscles and held for a mile, then released for a mile until I reached my 43.

I am not typing as I drive, I am dictating to my wonderful husband Chris.

See ya in Texas!


5:15 AM?!

Today started very early!!! I’m subbing at Hunter’s school today so I had to get my work-out and 43 before I left.  The good news is, it is only 7:00am and I’ve done my work-out and gotten ready for the day!!  The bad news – I might have lost count during my 43 and done 10 extra – I figured more is always better! 😀

The 43 of the day was a roll-up or get-up.  Start on your back with arms over-head and roll  up.  Pop up onto your feet with a jump then lower  down and roll back to start.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

(It is light out only because I had Hunter film my demo yesterday since I knew this morning would be early.  I really did my 43 this morning!!)

If you want to make these more challenging, keep your hands behind your head the entire time.  (Turkish get-ups)

After the 43 I did 2 of my favorites:   Upper 20 and Lower 20 both part of Turbo Fire with Chalean.

6th grade – here I come!!!

Kim :Aerobics: