Rest is not something I’m good at or even enjoy that much. However, other than my daily 45s I have now taken 7 days off!! I can’t even remember the last time I did that willingly!
Sunday 3/29 – 45 seated twists.

Return to center –

This was a new (to me) version of an oblique twist – you can definitely feel it in your obliques but it takes out the lower core work that you get in a reclined Russian Twist.
I did a one person race. I ran a loop around our neighborhood that is about 2.15 miles over and over.

I decided that 25 miles was good for the day!! I was only taking a sip of water after each lap and I don’t think that 12 sips in over 4 hours was enough for me!!
Monday 3/30 – 45 foam roller ab tuck. This move is one that Lindsay (CotterCrunch) included in her 3 New Core Moves post a couple weeks ago.

Holding a plank while completing all 45 reps was definitely a challenge!!!
Tuesday 3/31 – 45 low squats while on wobble balls – holding medicine ball – bring elbows to knees.

Adding the balance challenge with the wobble balls was fun!
Wednesday 4/1 – 45 plank walk-ups from floor to BOSU.

At some point I started wondering if I should do 2 sets of 45 – one with the right hand leading and one with the left hand leading. I decided to just go with one set so I alternated lead hands every 5 reps.
Thursday 4/2 – 45 cross body mountain climbers with feet on ledge.

Return to start and bring left knee in –

Obviously this move went faster when I wasn’t trying to pose for a picture!! I liked doing the mountain climbers with my feet up – it changed the feel of the move a little. Right-left = 1 rep.
Friday 4/3 – 45 decline tricep dips (feet on chair – hands on floor).

This move was small but I definitely felt it in my triceps!!!
Saturday 4/4 – 45 diamond butt lifts.

This was another small move but very effective!!!
Since I’m actually writing this on Sunday (Easter) and I didn’t work out today, I have successfully managed to take 7 days off without going crazy!!!
Happy Easter (or Passover) or Sunday!!!