Years ago (about 10, actually) – Chris and I were in Biloxi, MS for our anniversary. We took a little get-away every year for our anniversary for the first 10 years we were married. And then…..Life happened! (Really the only reason we haven’t for the last # of years is we haven’t had any one to watch our boys.) It’s OK – the boys are such a fun age now that we like to be with them all the time!
Anyway, one night in Biloxi, we went out to a really nice place (can’t remember the name) and I had my first ever Martini!!! The waiter suggested I try an Educated Cosmo – so good I think I had 2!!
After we came back to Kansas I tried to order one wherever I went – no luck – no one knew what I was talking about! Finally, Chris figured out the basic ingredients and came up with our version of this awesome drink!!!
The Educated Cosmo
1 part vodka
1 part Triple Sec
1 part RazzMatazz
1 part Cranberry Juice
splash of lime juice
Mix all ingredients with a little ice in a shaker and shake away!!
gotta shake it!!
Pour the mixture into your favorite martini glass and enjoy!