My boys probably wish that we were warriors but I’m talking about….YOGA! I might have mentioned before that I spent years avoiding yoga – I just didn’t view it as a true work-out – I wanted to get my heart rate up and sweat!!!! Well, over the past couple of years I’ve learned that yoga is hard!!!! I still don’t do it regularly but I occasionally add it into the mix and I enjoy (in a psychotic kind-of way) it.
The 43 was a combination of yoga poses that I tried to hold long enough to really get some shake in my legs!!! I started with chair pose, then Warrior 1 – Warrior 2 – Warrior 3 and back to chair. I alternated legs but only did a total of 43 not 43 per side. I figured that it was better to take my time and actually hold the poses than it was to rush through as many as I could. 43 seemed way more manageable than 86!!!!
[youtuber youtube=’’]
Somehow I have gone longer than I planned since the last time I lifted weights – maybe subbing, birthday, friends over…! Anyway, today I did Chalean Extreme (Beach Body) Push Circuit 1. For the first time ever, I used 20 pound dumbbells for bicep curls!!! (I can barely lift my water cup now but that’s over-rated anyway!!)
Chris is off (Happy Veterans Day, Babe!) so I think we will spend the day together!
Happy Birthday today to my Poppa – 98!!!! Wish I could spend the day with him – if only Texas weren’t so far away!!!

July 2012
Have a super Monday!!!