Exercise Is NOT One Size Fits All

Today’s 44 was fun!!!  Kristen @ Stuft Mama demoed this super cool move yesterday and I knew that I had to give it a try.  It is called – The Monkey.

Basically it is a cross body mountain climber using the 


See why I had to try it?!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxBG2OW98hs’]

You can do this move without a BOSU if you don’t have one available.

Since I already had my BOSU out I decided to do a workout with it – I did BOSU Total Body Conditioning.  It is a fun workout that mixes cardio, strength moves, balance training and core work.  The biggest downside – it was only about 30 minutes.

So, I also did Les Mills Pump – Combat.  This has been one of my favorite workouts from the very first time I tried it.  It is 45 minutes worth of non-stop cardio in the form of kicking and punching.  The time flies by and I always feel like I’ve gotten a great workout.

Screen shot 2013-11-06 at 6.56.01 AMI’ve never really understood the concept of “one size fits all.”  How is it even possible when we are all so different?!?!

I think that with exercise we really have to steer away from the idea that one size fits all.

Screen shot 2013-11-06 at 6.56.22 AMEveryone needs to figure out what works for them and not do something just because it seems to be what everyone else is doing.

For the past few months I’ve tried a bit of an experiment with my working out and it hasn’t worked well for me.  For a long time I have read about and observed many people who thrive on minimal amounts of time for working out.

Screen shot 2013-11-06 at 7.01.31 AMWorkouts like the 7 minute workout are everywhere these days!!!  And, I truly love that type of workout!!!

However, for me, it isn’t enough!!!  

This fall I  made a conscious effort to try and cut down on my workout time – most days I have only spent 40-45 minutes total working out instead of the 1-2 hours that I used to spend.

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I’ve realized that I actually feel better when I workout longer – it may be all psychological and I’m totally OK with that.

So, I tried something and figured out that it was not a fit for me!!

Have you tried things that seem to be the “norm” and realized they weren’t for you?
Do you like short workouts or longer sessions?  

Happy Wednesday!!!
