Guilty Pleasures

Got my 43 in early again this morning!!!  I knew that my main work-out was weights so I wanted a little cardio action with the 43.

I just did a simple move using this step:

14″ double step (the Transfirmer)

I ran up the front and down the back then turned around and ran up the back and down the front for 1 rep.  Like I said, simple but 43 at a fast pace got my heart rate up.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

(Hunter let me record him yesterday since I knew today would be early.)

After the easy 43 I did Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit 3 (Beach Body).  I’m excited to start the Push Circuit later this week!!! I also tried part of a new DVD – Cross Training for Fitness.  I only did 1 of the 5 15 minute sections – Lower Body Balance.  It was a fairly fast-paced kicking based work-out.  Not bad for a little extra!

I needed to feel like I got in a good work-out today.  Last night after working almost 6 hours on the school newsletter, I sat and watched Dancing with the Stars and ate about 1/2 a bag of Lays Potato Chips (while drinking a TX margarita).  Some nights are like that!!!  😛

A morning with a class-full of 1st grade students is coming up!!!!

Happy Tuesday!
