Today’s 43 had my legs burning!!! I used one of my favorite pieces of equipment:

I started with both feet on the BOSU – did a squat

then stepped my left leg behind into a curtsey lunge.

After 43 on the first side, I didn’t know if I would be able to do another set with the other leg because my quads were burning!! However, I don’t want to be unbalanced so – 43 more!!

I think the hardest part was the little squat in between each lunge – basically, the leg that stayed on the BOSU was working the entire time!!!
6:00 am Boot Camp was a lot of toning work with just a few cardio bursts in between! We used resistance bands and I’m pretty sure that my shoulders will be sore tomorrow!!
And, I’m still doing Insanity Asylum – but only 2 more days left!!!! Today was Back to Core (probably the “easiest” one of the whole program!) and Relief – 25 minutes of stretching. I did the whole stretching one even though it’s not my favorite – I might have entertained myself with my phone but I still stretched!!!
Lots of people have a motto (or even many mottos that they live by).
Some mottos apply only to part of one’s life while others can cover everything.
I think that sometimes people have a motto that “sums” them up in just a few words – the following is one that I love!And, sometimes a motto is something that you are trying to achieve in your life.
Even kids have mottos – that they apply to their lives.

I’ve been trying to decide if I have a specific motto that I live by. I think if I had to pick one thing (other than Suck it up Buttercup!!), I would say –
Always do YOUR best!!!!!
Do you have a motto (or mottos) that you live by?
Happy Wednesday!!!