Today I worked my triceps with the 43. I also really had to use my core because I included a stability ball. I put my feet on the ball – I tried to keep just my feet and not let my calves rest on the ball to make it more difficult!
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I nearly lost the ball a couple of times but I made it through 43!! It took quite a while after I finished for my arms to quit shaking!!!
I also spent some time on the elliptical again today. I’m telling myself that even though it is not my favorite it is much better than nothing!!! I did 45 minutes at a harder pace than the other day. My legs feel very tingly again but I really think it is just the blood flowing!!!
So yesterday was just one of those perfect kind of days! I got cards from Chris and the boys:Both boys were very sweet with what they wrote –
And – they gave me a Garmin!!!

I can’t wait to actually start running again so I can test it out!!!In the meantime – I will just pretend!!!
The weather was gorgeous – no wind so the lake was perfect!!! And – WE PUT THE BOAT IN THE WATER!!!! This always make me happy because it means we made it through winter and now it’s summer – my favorite!!!We didn’t actually take a ride – Chris just put it in and drove it to the marina. It was a little chilly – plus we had stuff to do still!
We had some friends over for dinner – grilled steaks and chicken, campfire potatoes and this super easy summer corn – a perfect ending to a great day!!!
Now, I’m ready for a great week!!
Happy Monday!!