Butt Burner in the Basement

The early morning 43 + work-out really isn’t my favorite until it’s done!  I love the fact that it is 7:00 and I have already worked out hard and gotten ready for my day!!!

Today I did a complete butt burner for my 43.  Start in tabletop position (all 4s) and lift right knee to side.  Push right foot straight back then bring extended leg around to side.  Bend knee back to first position and lower.  Confused? Check out the cool video!!  😉

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Feky2lG9MB8′]

I did 43 on my right side and then switched and did 43 on the left side.  The 2nd side was much harder – I guess because that half of my butt had already supported all of my weight during the first set!!!

After I set my butt on fire, I did my work-out.  Today I started the Push Circuit part of Chalean Extreme (Beach Body).  I’m excited to see how much I can increase my strength this time through the program!!!

Another day that I get to spend in the gym with the kids!!!  This PE subbing is a pretty good gig – I get to wear work-out stuff and tennis shoes all day!

Happy Fun Friday!!!


Physical Education

Another day, another 43!!!  Today was a short one.  :Happy:

I stood in a T position (arms extended out to sides)

Hunter – arms extended for bicep curls

(Hunter still can’t fully extend his left arm – after breaking his wrist in July.) and then did bicep curls like this:

Hunter – Nice Biceps!!

I used 8 pound dumbbells and the last 4-5 were a struggle for sure!!!  Happy I made it to 43!!!

I didn’t have a lot of time to work-out so I just ran a quick 5 miles (29:19) and did 1.25 miles at a nice easy pace to recover.

Today and tomorrow I get to spend my day in the gym teaching PE!!!!  I am sooo excited!!  Way, way back I started my college career as a PE major before I switched to being a Chemistry/Biology major with a PE minor.  I taught science (at the middle school level) BC but I also was a coach for years.  I’m looking forward to spending 2 whole days in the gym with my whistle!!!!

Have a great Thursday!!


43 “Treats”

In honor of Halloween, I thought I would change my 43 a little today and instead of doing 43 of a single exercise, I did 43 exercises for a minute each!!! No tricks here – all “treats”!!!

The 43 Plan: (notice – there is NO break in between each exercise!)

  1. Jog in place
  2. Butt kicks
  3. Heisman
  4. Mountain climbers
  5. Crunches
  6. Right knee repeater
  7. Left knee repeater
  8. Right leg – single leg hops – in place – for height
  9. Left leg – single leg hops – in place – for height
  10. Squat with feet together – don’t come all the way out of the squat at the top
  11. Hold plank (on hands)
  12. High knees
  13. Jumping jacks
  14. Tricep extensions – both arms – 8 pound dumbbells
  15. Right leg forward lunge – push off right heel to stand each time
  16. Left leg forward lunge – push off left heel to stand each time
  17. Plank jacks
  18. Shoulder press – 8 pound dumbbells
  19. Plie squat – jump to right side kick
  20. Plie squat – jump to left side kick
  21. Speed skaters – reach opposite hand to foot
  22. Double-leg hops – front and back
  23. Burpees with jump at top
  24. Step-touch (a small breather!!!)
  25. Tuck jumps
  26. Biceps curls (both arms) – 8 pound dumbbells
  27. Right leg – front kick-back kick
  28. Left leg – front kick-back kick
  29. Alternate jumping lunges
  30. Hold right side plank (on elbow)
  31. Hold left side plank (on elbow)
  32. Right snap kick (hitch jump with left leg to right kick)
  33. Left snap kick (hitch jump with right leg to left kick)
  34. Walking lunges
  35. Plie with calf raise (stay in plie the entire minute)
  36. Rows – 8 pound dumbbells
  37. Push-ups on toes
  38. Alternate jabs to front – stay in low plie – twist at waist
  39. Stiff leg dead lift – 8 pound dumbbells
  40. Right leg single-leg squat
  41. Left leg single-leg squat
  42. Alternate side bends – 8 pound dumbbells
  43. Leg swing (pendulum) – opposite arm punches up
This is how my plan looked – I wrote it out in advance so that I could go continuously for the entire 43 minutes!!!
Plan for 43 Treats

I used my Gymboss timer which made it super easy to get a full minute for each exercise without watching the clock.

Gymboss Timer

I just set the timer for 1 minute with only 1 interval (you can put in 2 if you want a recovery interval) and set the counter at 43.  Simple – at the end of each minute it chimed and started right into the next minute count-down!!

(I think you can get them through Amazon, also.)


This 43 really was a treat – I was surprised at how quickly the 43 minutes went.  Try your own version – maybe a 26, a 32 – whatever you can do!!!

Halloween Martini Glass

I pulled down my Halloween Martini glass – I figure I will have a true treat later tonight!!!!

I’m going to get some Halloween candy today (finally).  I haven’t bought any because I knew that it wouldn’t last till tonight if I did – the boys Chris I would eat it!!!!  Now I will just eat whatever is left after tonight!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!


Do y’all like Halloween?  Do you dress up? I have to be honest – I’m really not a huge Halloween fan – don’t know why – just how things are!

Guilty Pleasures

Got my 43 in early again this morning!!!  I knew that my main work-out was weights so I wanted a little cardio action with the 43.

I just did a simple move using this step:

14″ double step (the Transfirmer)

I ran up the front and down the back then turned around and ran up the back and down the front for 1 rep.  Like I said, simple but 43 at a fast pace got my heart rate up.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdvCoyYcZTA’]

(Hunter let me record him yesterday since I knew today would be early.)

After the easy 43 I did Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit 3 (Beach Body).  I’m excited to start the Push Circuit later this week!!! I also tried part of a new DVD – Cross Training for Fitness.  I only did 1 of the 5 15 minute sections – Lower Body Balance.  It was a fairly fast-paced kicking based work-out.  Not bad for a little extra!

I needed to feel like I got in a good work-out today.  Last night after working almost 6 hours on the school newsletter, I sat and watched Dancing with the Stars and ate about 1/2 a bag of Lays Potato Chips (while drinking a TX margarita).  Some nights are like that!!!  😛

A morning with a class-full of 1st grade students is coming up!!!!

Happy Tuesday!





Because I had so much fun with my BOSU yesterday, I decided to use it again today for my 43!!! This time I tried balancing my butt on it – for boat pose.  First I looked like this

Trying to get it!

But after a couple more picture attempts I ended up like this

Boat Pose!!

(I don’t know why my eyes were closed in all of the pictures today – concentrating I guess.)

After I finally figured out how to balance on the BOSU, I did 43 boat poses (30 seconds each).  I thought this would be a great core exercise (and it was) but I also really felt this a lot in my hip flexors and  quads!  It ended up being a challenge and one of those days that I was very happy to say 43! (I usually count out loud so I don’t lose count – Hunter loves it since he is usually trying to read before school!!!)

I decided that I really wanted to run again today.  I figure if my hip hurts when I don’t run very much, it can’t be that much worse when I do run!!!

9 miles in 56:35 (1.5 incline)  + 2.75 miles at an easier pace with an incline up to 30%

So….over the weekend, Chris had a little crick or something in his neck and I might have made just a little bit of fun of him.  (You know – laughing because he had to turn  his whole body to look at me at the dinner table or something.)  Well, this morning I got up and for some reason my neck is all gimpy – KARMA!!!! Sorry for laughing, Chris!!

Time to get the elementary school newsletter done again!

Have a super Monday!!!!


Fitness – Food – Fun