Tag Archives: failure

Day 250 = 250 Minute Run turned into a 200 Minute Run

The 43 of the day – Monkey Extensions which is a move I found when I was looking through my many pins on Pinterest!  This is actually part of a workout by Michelle & Lori at Purely Twins.  (check out their site – they always have lots of cool workouts, tips, recipes….)

So, to do a monkey extension, start with fairly light dumbbells (I just used 5 pound DBs today) and pull your hands up close to your arm pits:


From the start position, extend your arms straight out and slightly twist your hands so that your palms face the back:


Bring your arms back in to finish 1 rep.

back to beginning
back to beginning

This move is  nice – it works your entire arm and your shoulders.  While I was doing my 43 I watched myself in the mirror because I could feel myself pulling my shoulders up so I tried to make sure that I was keeping them relaxed.

Today is my 250th day of daily 43s so I decided to run 250 minutes!!  I’m not sure why I thought this would be a good idea since I am only about a week back into doing any kind of leg work (and cardio) after 3 weeks of very little – but that has been part of my plan for awhile now so I went with it!!

The first 2 hours (120 minutes) went great – hit right at 15 miles which was my plan and goal from the start.  Things went downhill from there.  I spent the next hour (60 minutes) doing a walk/run thing which eventually turned into just a walk.  When I got to 200 minutes (3 hours 20 minutes) I stopped.

not what I planned or wanted
not what I planned or wanted

I could  give several reasons why I stopped but I think they are all just excuses.  In the end, I just wasn’t able to do it!!!Screen shot 2013-05-23 at 10.35.20 AMI’m not sure if I believe the quote above but I’m going with it!!!Screen shot 2013-05-23 at 10.35.59 AMThis one I totally agree with – I’m very disappointed with myself right now!!Screen shot 2013-05-23 at 10.39.59 AM

This one sums it up – considering my semi-lack of training lately, I should have given up my goal to run 30 miles in the 250 minutes (4 hours 10 minutes) and just focused on running the entire time.

So, I will foam roll and soak and try again another time!!!

Happy Thursday!
