Tag Archives: pop-up

One Kind Act Is Worth More than 100 Acts Done out of Resentment

Last night I asked Hunter for some suggestions for today’s 44.  He came up with one and it was rough!!!  I’m not really sure what to call it – HARD?  

The move consists of a jump in the air – roll (fall, whatever) back – crunch – pop up (hardest part for me!) – jump – repeat x 44!!!

I asked Hunter if he would do the demo and he agreed even though he had already taken a shower (so sweet!).

I decided to get in another run today.  Since I ran nice and easy yesterday, I bumped it up today.
1.5% incline – 5 miles in 30:52  (then some easy miles!)

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The other night at dinner I told Chris and the boys that I was going to try to make kindness a bigger part of my daily life.  

I decided that for the month of January (and hopefully longer), I would try to make a purposeful effort to do something kind each day.

Screen Shot 2014-01-04 at 9.02.10 AMI know it’s only been a few days but in that short time I’ve discovered something – the act of kindness is all about the attitude! 

Yesterday’s act of kindness was something that I would have done anyway but by changing my attitude and wanting to do something kind I actually enjoyed it so much more than if I had just done it and felt resentful for having to do it at all!!

Screen Shot 2014-01-04 at 9.05.57 AMI think that I’m going to enjoy being more purposeful about seeking out ways to be kind and I can already tell that this is one of those things that is going to make my life that much happier!!!

There are many times that I do things but resent it the entire time  – my hope is that by choosing to look at some of these things as an act of kindness the resentment will fade and it will become more natural for me to look for ways to be kind!!!

I think that in the big picture I am the one who will benefit the most from choice to try and perform more acts of kindness!!!

Happy Saturday!!!  
