Tag Archives: scared

Scared, Nervous, Excited, Scared

Today’s 44 was a Pilates based move – the single leg stretch.  Just because the name of it has the word stretch, don’t think it wasn’t a challenge!!!

right leg
right leg
left leg
left leg

A right leg up and left leg up counted as 1 rep.  I tried to keep my toes pointed and my legs straight.  Keeping the bottom leg off the ground the entire time and my head and shoulders up made this a great core workout!!!

Screen shot 2013-10-10 at 9.20.51 PMThis week I’ve been slightly completely obsessing about my race this weekend.  Not gonna lie – I’m ready for it to be Monday and the race behind me (is that bad?)!!!

The emotions that I’ve felt this week have ranged from excitement to complete fear of failure!!!  

I think that the things I’m the most scared about are 

Screen shot 2013-10-10 at 9.25.31 PMDon’t get me wrong – I love a good rain storm but I do NOT want to run in rain all night long.  I think it is supposed to be a little on the cool side which I can handle as long as I’m not wet!  Remember – I’m a treadmill runner most of the time!!!

My other biggest fear is my stomach!  Running makes my stomach hurt a lot these days!!! Hopefully it won’t be a huge issue!

I would have liked to rest my legs a little more this week – I’m not sure that being on them from 6 am till 4 pm a couple of days (boot camp, cleaning, set-up, ironing…..) was the best plan but it’s what it is these days!!!

Screen shot 2013-10-10 at 9.35.28 PMI do have a couple of goals – I have thought all week about whether or not to share them and I might as well – I’m pretty much an open book!!!

1.  Finish!!!
2.  Be the first female.
3.  Break 10 hours.

#1 is my main goal but I figure I might as well go big with my other goals!!!

I’m already planning to utilize a run/walk plan during the race – and, for the record, Jordan told me the other day – 

“It doesn’t count if you don’t run it all!!!”

Nice!!!  Then Chris said he could probably complete 50 miles, too  (on foot?!).  

Today I’m going to try and make sure that I have everything I need and hopefully get a good night’s sleep before my all-nighter (way to old to lose a night of sleep!!!).

Happy Friday!!!


No Excuses Allowed!

I love Nellie’s (Brooklyn Active Mama) Weekly Wednesday workouts!!!  She features some really great moves and a lot of them are new to me so I can turn them into my 44.  Yesterday Nellie had a stability ball V-up so I decided to go with that for today!!  

I love moves that start like this - I can close my eyes for a few more minutes!!
I love moves that start like this – I can close my eyes for a few more minutes!!

Keeping my feet on the stability ball took this move to a whole new level!!!  I had to work very hard to contract my core and not let the ball go rolling off!!  Great move!!

Today was also another day of Garage Boot Camp – we did a version of the workout that I did for my first boot camp this summer.  This workout had 10 moves and in the summer we did 3 rounds with 1 minute of each move.  Today, we did 10 reps of each move and repeated the circuit 5x – 50 burpees by the end!!!

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I have a little huge confession today – I have been playing around with all kinds of excuses to not run my 50 mile race which is 3 weeks from Saturday!!!

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I think that my confidence was really shaken the other night when I did my 44 miles!  I thought that I could run further before I had to walk and then I thought I would be able to do a run/walk combo.  NO & NO!!!  I was completely miserable after 28 miles and the thought of even attempting to do more than walk was making me feel sick!!!

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So, for the past couple of days I’ve tried to use being too busy as a reason to not run the 50.  We do have a wedding change-over that night which means that someone will have to switch the set-up from ceremony seating to reception and since my race is 100 miles from here, it probably can’t be Chris.  

I was going to let that be my excuse – it seemed like the perfect solution – but this morning I finally asked my neighbor if her son would like to help my boys do it.  

Screen shot 2013-09-19 at 6.57.43 AMI decided that I need to remember that this was a commitment I made and suck it up and make it happen.

So – my motto for today is – NO EXCUSES!!!

Do you ever use excuses to get out of something that you are scared of?

Happy Thursday!
