Tag Archives: sun

Do NOT Google Pictures of Skin Cancer

A couple weeks ago I went to the dermatologist.  At my annual wellness check-up earlier this year my doctor suggested that maybe I should since I sort of LOVE the sun!!!

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Well, I had a few spots that he (dermatologist) decided to biopsy.  He said it was no big deal – just a shot in each spot (3) and then a razor blade that would scrape out a little bit of skin.Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 8.49.43 PM

Hmm…I told him I would schedule it on my way out.  NOPE – he was planning to do the biopsies right then.  NICE!!!

Here is the picture I posted on instagram after I escaped –Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 8.51.05 PM1 in my left hand and 2 in my left bicep.   2 weeks later and the areas are finally starting to heal!!

However, last week the nurse called me and apparently one of the spots on my arm is skin cancer (the other 2 are pre-cancerous spots).

Now they want to dig into my arm.  The nurse said that I would have stitches for 2 weeks and not be able to lift anything (weights, chairs at the venue, laundry baskets…..) for those 2 weeks plus a week after.

I said, “OK, I will just run more.”

She said I couldn’t run either or do anything that would cause me to sweat.

So I told her –  NO THANK YOU!!!

Her response was to just eat less for a few weeks – clearly she doesn’t know that it isn’t about eating it is about needing to sweat pretty much every day!!!

Then I made the mistake of googling skin cancer images – YUCK!!!

I’m going to spare you all of the nasty horrible pictures.

the beach
the beach

Our plan has been to retire to the beach in a few years (hopefully less than 10!!!) – I hope this plan doesn’t have to change!!!

Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 9.00.33 PMI guess I will have to buy stock in sunscreen!!!

Do you go to the dermatologist regularly?  
I guess I will be from this point on:(

Happy Wednesday!!


BTW – I’m going to suck it up and let them dig in my arm but I still plan to figure out ways to workout during that time!!!


Scaling Back

Summer is my all-time favorite time of year!!!  In my perfect world it would be  full of family, sun and fun!

However, this summer is a little different because Screen Shot 2014-06-19 at 9.11.55 PMwe bought a business and there is always a list of stuff that needs to be done.

I’ve been feeling stressed because we have a few weeks (next week is one of them) that have back-to back-to back events and so I will have some early (earlier than normal!!) mornings to clean, set-up, wash table cloths and iron them……to get it ready for the next event.

The other stress is the fact that I feel like I need to work harder at promoting our business.

What I really want to do is hang out with these 2 goofy boys – 

Jordan & Hunter

Spend time in the sun – 

my favorite
my happy place

And, at some point we need to enjoy time on the boat!!

on the Pontoon!
on the Pontoon!

So, I told Chris that I’m going to continue to take calls on the business and do showings but I’m going to put all promotion efforts on the back burner until the boys go back to school.  

And, I’ve been scaling down on time spent on the computer.  My BlogLovin’ feed is out of control and there are times that it takes me a couple days to respond to comments here.  I’m trying to be OK with that but it is a struggle.

So, I’m going to take some advice from Carla and “do what I can when I can.”

Do you feel like the summer is busier or more relaxing in your world?

Happy Friday!!



Happiness Is all Around

Friday, Friday, Friday!!!!  Something about Friday makes me happy even though it is summer time and sometimes Tuesday is the same as Friday!!!

This week there have been so many things making me happy that I had to share.

*  Jordan has been driving more and more (gotta get his hours!!!) and he is doing great!!!  Yesterday  I hardly used my imaginary brake the entire time we were out!!

classy driver
classy driver

*  I still smile every time I think about last Saturday and how much fun Hunter and I had (I just keep telling him that he really did have fun!!!).

muddy but happy
muddy but happy

*  The boys went with me yesterday to help clean and set up the venue for Saturday night’s event!!  Since I had help, it didn’t take as long as normal and I had time to do something fun – 

pedicure - always nice
pedicure – always nice

*  The boys have also been helping around the house this summer (probably because I told them that they had to do at least 1 productive thing every day!).  

On Tuesday I had a meeting for most of the morning and then had to get the oil changed in my car.  When I got home Hunter had 2 recipes picked out that he wanted to make for dinner (with my help and a trip to the grocery store but…).

Honey Glazed Chicken look how tasty it looks!!!
Honey Glazed Chicken
look how tasty it looks!!!
Summer Garden Salad - chock full of fresh veggie!!!
Summer Garden Salad – chock full of fresh veggie!!!

Bummer for Chris he wasn’t home for dinner and the boys ate ALL of the chicken!!!

*  We have a couple of days that we don’t have to set an alarm!!!!  Hooray – I hope to sleep until 7:00 but even 6:30 will be nice!!!

*  Mandi (my sister) just  did a new post with lots of cute pictures of little Griffin.  This is my favorite – 

how cute is this?!
how cute is this?!

*  It is supposed to be right at 80 today with plenty of sunshine – I hope to spend a chunk of the day outside soaking up the sun!!!!  The boys have friends coming over to hang out at the swim beach so we will all enjoy the great weather!!

What is making you happy this week?

I hope your week has been full of smiles and laughter!!

Happy Friday!!!

Welcome Sun – Let’s get Reaquainted

Today I did a push-up for my 43 – but not just a regular push-up!!  I used a stability ball Stability Ball

for an added challenge.  And it was definitely a challenge!!!


By the time I finished all 43, my arms were shaking and I’m lucky I didn’t bust my face!!!  Trying to support yourself on the ball really elevates a push-up!!!  Plus, you have to keep your hands fairly close together and end up working your triceps a lot, too.

I also did my 3rd round of this week’s challenge with Taylor.  I really enjoyed this week’s workout because it was Tabata – 4 rounds plus a finishing plank set.  I love Tabata because it is easy to tell myself that I can go 150% for 20 seconds!!!  

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We have been home from Florida for about a week and a half and most of those days have been cloudy and either unseasonably cool or extremely muggy.  What they haven’t been is SUNNY!!!  

I have missed the sun and the beach!!!Florida

This past week has been busy since we are getting ready for school to start on Tuesday – eye appointments,Screen shot 2013-08-10 at 8.30.58 AM orthodontist appointments, Screen shot 2013-08-10 at 8.31.40 AMwell-checks/physicals, Screen shot 2013-08-10 at 8.32.20 AM some shopping, Screen shot 2013-08-10 at 8.37.53 AM band camp for Jordan, Screen shot 2013-08-10 at 8.33.28 AM hair-cuts, and just normal everyday life activities.  

What hasn’t been included is any sun and beach time!!!  And I miss it!!!  The sun is shining this morning and will hopefully stay out today so that the afternoon can include a little bit of my favorite activity 

enjoying life!
enjoying life!

Happy Saturday!!!
