Hijacking Kim’s Blog – Happy Birthday

Before everyone freaks out – it’s just her husband, Chris, with a well-wishing for my wife on her Birthday.  Of course, I had to wait until she was busy (while she is running her 44 miles) to not only hijack her computer, but get on her blog (without her knowing it).  

To say that I am proud of her 365 days of 43’s would be an understatement.  What she did – and continues to do – impresses me daily.  When she first came up with the idea – I think I was supportive, but possibly wondering – “how could you come up with 365 days of anything?”  Needless to say, once she started, she completely amazed me.  She inspires me  to do things I might otherwise be too lazy to accomplish.  Her focus and drive to a complete a goal provides a remarkable example for her sons.  Though she remains modest in what she achieves – I truly think her ability to persevere through a year of ups and downs gives insight toward her iron stamina and will.  Way to go Kim!

So – this wonderful woman – had a start as a twin  – but leave no doubt, she was an individual.

So cute!
So cute!

Of course, Kim began running in high school (she has told the story before), and those of us “joggers” could never keep up!


The two of us met down in Lubbock – got married – and sailed off into the sunset (went off on a cruise) (and not quite “right” after getting married…)


While we have enjoyed being together….


We also love being a family!


Yes – Kim is a superwoman!  I am a lucky guy to be married to her.  She has taught me more about life, living, reality, humility, and sincerity.  The boys and I wish her a very Happy Birthday and love from the bottom of our hearts!

Those of you that keep up with Kim on her blog – leave her a note in the comments about something that you have learned from her this past year (or just wish her a Happy Birthday)!

Hijack complete – 

Happy Birthday and I love you!!!!
