I Am a Quitter

Today I had to pick a super easy 44 because there isn’t a part of me that doesn’t hurt.  I did a basic crunch (just like the ones Chris has been doing to get ready for his PT test).

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsQDvuzBkhg’]

Even those weren’t much fun but….I can’t quit on everything!!!

Screen shot 2013-10-13 at 9.27.55 AMJust so you know – I did not finish the 50 miles!!!  

I will probably recap the race tomorrow but today I can’t.  I will say that my reasons (excuses, whatever you want to call them) for quitting still hold up even now that it is a sunny morning.

Today will be a quiet day with a whole lot of nothing – some Modern Family and plenty of water.

Happy Sunday!
