Today’s 44 was one that I saw Tara do (Family Sport Life). I didn’t totally master it but it was still very effective. To start, you balance yourself on a stability ball (knees on it) and then you do the actual move – bicep curls.

If you look closely you can see that I had to tap my toes (more than keep them up actually) to keep from falling on my face. I’m going to keep working on the balance aspect!!!
Besides working my biceps (10 pound dumbbells), this move was good for my core (balance) and my quads were burning by the end!!!!
And then I ran again – 2 days in a row!!! Yesterday I got in 6 miles and today I ran 6 at just under 8 minute/mile pace and did another 1.75 miles to cool down.
So, you might remember that back in October I attempted my first 50 mile race and it did not go well.
I made a lot of mistakes but I also learned a lot. And, way down deep I know that I can run a 50 (and maybe even a 100 miler!!!).
Yesterday morning I was scrolling through FaceBook and saw a post from the Heartland 100/50 (the race I did last year) saying that they are changing the 50 and making it a day race!!!! (Last year it was at night – pitch black on a rocky road, cold, lonely…….)
In May, I’m going to try again to complete a 50 mile race!!!!
Actually I’m going to do more than try!!!! I’m going to take the things I learned last fall and apply them and this 50 mile race is going to be a great experience!!!!
In October, I wasn’t mentally tough enough to push through the pain and other factors that were involved.
This time, my head will be in the right place and there will be no giving up!!!
I’m excited to get another chance to fulfill my goal of competing in an ultra!!!!
Happy Sunday!!