For the last 2 weeks I have pretty much completely ignored this blog. The main reason was so that I could be available and enjoy every minute of the boys break from school – it has been awesome!! Lots of games and time spent as a family laughing!!!
The other reason I have avoided this place is because I told Chris 2 weeks ago that the next post I wrote would be my final post. Every time I’ve thought about writing it I’ve walked away from my computer.
After a LOT of thought I don’t think I’m ready to give up my little corner. I can’t imagine not interacting with all of my blog friends (I would list them but this would turn into a really long post!!!), if not daily then several times a week.
Even though I haven’t written a post lately, I have been reading other blogs and I often find myself smiling while reading or leaving a comment.

This year my biggest “goal” is to really focus on growing our venue because I know that there is so much untapped potential there.
I thought that giving up my blog would help me spend more time working on ideas. Chris thinks I shouldn’t give up something I enjoy so much and I’ve finally decided that I would probably end up resenting the venue if I give up the happiness that blogging brings me.
So, I’ve decided to cut myself some slack (like not worrying about the fact that I didn’t write a 45 update for either of the past 2 weeks!!!) and not feel like I have to keep a specific schedule with posting. There may be some weeks that I catch up on all of my favorite blogs days late and that will be OK, too!!!
I want 2015 to be a year full of fun and happiness with my family and friends which means letting go of standards that are unattainable and just enjoying what I can do!!
And, even though this is late –
I’m looking forward to so many things this year – hopefully it will include meeting some of my blog friends in person!!!
Happy Sunday!