Today’s 43 utilized my figure-8 band:

I put it around my ankles and did a side-lying leg lift with the added challenge of keeping my bottom leg off the ground – a double leg pull against the band.

The first 25 weren’t too bad – it was kind of nice to do a move where I could “relax” – then by the last 20ish my outer thigh and hips were burning!!! And, I still had to do 43 on the other side!!

I felt the 2nd side much sooner – because my hips were already on fire!!!
Another day of Insanity Asylum – Speed and Agility. This was hard in every way today!!! My legs were tired from the beginning! I think the double (and a couple days of triple) workouts last week are catching up. But I’m a little anal and want to finish this Insanity program the way it is set up!!! (just 2 more weeks!)
This is a totally different kind of post for me!! It’s a fun little A-Z quiz. I was tagged by the lovely Nellie at Brooklyn Active Mama to complete this Old School Blogging Quiz being hosted by Elaine and Jennifer.
A. Attached or Single?
Married -we just celebrated our 17th anniversary!!!

B. Best Friend?
Yep – the guy in the picture above! Cheesy, but true!!!
C. Cake or pie?
Ummm – frosting (buttercream!) – usually I skip the actual cake part!
D. Day of choice?
Fun Friday!!!
E. Essential Item?
giant insulated mug (full of water!)

F. Favorite color?
burnt orange & pink
G. Gummy bears or worms?
red gummy bears but I would rather have Hot Tamales
H. Hometown?
Hard one – I moved around a lot growing up – I’ve never felt like I had a true hometown. I consider Texas my home state – so let’s just go with that!!
I. Favorite Indulgence?
J. January or July?
No contest – July!!
K. Kids?
2 phenomenal boys!!

L. Life isn’t complete without?
my 3 boys – Chris, Jordan, Hunter
M. Marriage date?
May 25, 1996
N. Number of brothers/sisters?
2 brothers – Tim (my twin) & Sam (6 years younger than me)
1 sister – Mandi (7 years younger than me)

O. Oranges or Apples
P. Phobias?
Puke (maybe not a true phobia but close enough!!)
Q. Quotes?
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde
R. Reasons to smile?

I could go on and on with things that make me smile – sun, a good run, a sweaty workout, friends, reading, a glass of wine, cowboy boots, pedicures…..
S. Season of choice?
Summer!!! Fall is a close 2nd.
OK – tagging people is why I typically stay away from these kind of quizzes. I don’t mind doing the quiz but it is hard for me to pick just 5 (I would love to learn more about all my blogging friends) – and I never want anyone to feel obligated to participate!!!
Barbara @ The Bold Blend
Rachelle @ Livin the Sweat Life
Kathy @ Transforming our Thoughts and Actions as a Team
Marcia @ Marcia’s Healthy Slice
Mandi @ Live…Laugh…Love…Lewis
I was born in the Philippine Islands.
V. Vegetable?
does avocado count?
squash & zucchini
W. Worst habit?
I might have a bit of a problem with road rage (but only because people do stupid things on the road!!).
X. Xray or Ultrasound?
Several of both plus 2 MRIs (scary!!!) and a CT with dye – the best were the ultrasounds when I was pregnant!!
Y. Your favorite food?
This is a hard one – avocado, cheese and all types of Mexican food!!
Z. Zodiac sign?
Want to play? Copy and paste the questions here, write a post and link up with Elaine at the Miss Elaine-ous Life or Jennifer at Jennifer P. Williams.
Happy Sunday!!!