Tag Archives: good

The Good and the Bad = Life

If life was all good we would get bored!!  And, if life was all bad we would probably give up.  Thankfully, life is a mix of good and bad!!!

Good:  My boys are following in my footsteps!!  They both enjoy running!! And, this summer they have been helping around the house and they like things organized just like I do.  Yesterday Hunter alphabetized all of his books – I was so proud!!!

Jordan is right behind me in the light gray
Jordan is right behind me in the light gray

Bad:  My blog has caused me stress every day for several weeks.  I thought that I had it all under control with the switch to self-hosted but instead I have issues every single time I try to access it!  Tech stuff isn’t my favorite!!!

Good:  We had a really great garage sale this weekend!!  We got rid of lots of stuff and made a nice chunk of money – plus we had fun hanging out and working together!!DSCN1647

Bad:  I slept less than normal this weekend – gotta get the lack of sleep under control!!!  Not sure why I can’t sleep – I know I’m tired!!

Good:  The other night we walked over to return something to our neighbors and ended up hanging out catching up with them – always fun!!!

Bad:  It is really  hard to find reliable people to do jobs of any sort (even when you pay them up front!!!).  We have had a hard time finding someone to do some maintenance work at our venue!

Good:  It’s the start of a fresh new week and the possibilities are limitless!!! 

Life really is pretty good right now – the bads really aren’t that bad!

What is good/bad in your world right now?

Happy Monday!!!
