Today’s 43 was a fairly simple one (even though it worked one of my weakest areas!). I just did a standing lateral raise.
startlift slowly
In order to make sure that I didn’t swing the weights – I did a slow 2-count up and 2-count down. I only used 5 pound dumbbells because 43 of these turn into a lot!!!
Today was double boot camp day – 6 am and 7:15!!! We did the same workout from yesterday – ABC Boot Camp!!! It really is a pretty fun way to get in a full body workout!!!
Today is a big day for me – day 300!!! That means that I’ve done 300 consecutive days of 43s and blogging!!!
I have a big celebration planned involving this – and this – I thought about doing this run outside but the humidity this week has been out of control and I’m pretty sure that I would end up feeling totally sick within an hour (and this run is a 5 hour one) so I will just catch up on some of my favorite TV shows!!
Happy Fun Friday – definitely gonna be a fun one for me!!!
For my 43 today I did a bent over lateral raise/row combo. Even though it is still fairly basic, I’m happy that I incorporated multiple muscle groups today!!
I just used 5 pound dumbbells for the 43 – I usually try to go heavier on rows but lateral raises are challenging for me so I picked a weight that I could complete them all without just swinging my arms like a crazy woman!!!
I’m still not working out – hopefully later this week I will be able to ease back in!!!
Since I’ve had a some hours of free time the past few days I’ve done a lot of thinking about things. One of the subjects I’ve thought about is how I define myself. There are lots of words I could use:
wine drinker
At every stage of my life, I have had different words that seem applicable. The summer I was
my parents got a divorce and my mom and the 4 of us kids moved to Abilene, TX. 8th grade had been a rough year for me (3 different middle schools) and moving to a new place for 9th grade was no easier. I was very quiet and shy (hard to believe now!!). I went through most of high school being referred to as Tim’s sister:
Thankfully, I also started running in HS and actually turned out to be pretty good at it so I was also a cross country and long distance runner in high school!
I went to college separate from Tim so all of a sudden I had a new identity. However, I quickly formed a very close friendship with Lara. Other then the fact that I ran cross country and track and she didn’t, we were together all of the time. People didn’t call me Kim or her Lara we were:
Kim and Lara
Lara and Kim
Also, I had long hair that I kept curly with a spiral perm – classy!!. I always pulled it back in a ponytail using these clips:
So I also earned the name – Bowhead.
I went to grad school in southern Alabama and spent a year being called Kim from Texas!!
After grad school, I spent 2 years coaching cross country and track at the same University where I had run. During that time I’m not sure I had a true definition of myself – because I was single and a coach lots of people assumed things about me that weren’t true. Those are the years that I realized that even workout wear could be cute and accessorized!
I spent a year teaching and also met Chris (he was in pilot training in TX at the time) – I was either Miss Griffin (umm – that is my mom) or Chris’s girlfriend.
After we got married, we moved to Kansas and because I wasn’t from here and Chris was – I spent the year as Chris’ wife.
We moved back to TX for a couple of years and I taught and coached again. This time I was Mrs. Turner or Coach Turner – loved my new name/identity!!!
Then we had Jordan and my definition of myself changed again – I became Jordan’s mom and later Hunter’s mom. Since I spent about 9 years as a SAHM I struggled a lot with my identity.
I became involved in numerous activities and tried to figure out exactly how I fit into all of the different areas of life. It was difficult at times because I didn’t have a “real” job to help define me.
After both boys were in school full-time, I took a job at their school working in the office – my new identity became secretary. I think the 5 years I spent in that job helped me realize that a job isn’t what defines you – you have to figure that out on your on!!
I did the job of a secretary but there is so much more that makes up who I am including all of the experiences and jobs that I had up to that point.
Now, I am once again a SAHM but there are so many other parts of me!
I’m a blogger –
I’m still a runner!! I’m also a weight-lifting, daily activity getting fitness buff!
I’m a personal trainer –
I’m a wife:
welcome home!
I’m a mom:
Jordan meeting his little brother
I’m a sister:
I’m a huge reader:
I’m a wine and martini drinker:
one more reason to RUN!!!Texas Martini Glass
I’m a beach lover:I’m a Texan!I’m a friend:
Above all of the titles and roles in my life, I can truly say that I’m a happy, strong, independent woman! And, tomorrow or next week, parts of my definition of myself might change once again – it is ever evolving as I continue on my journey through life!!!
Today was the first time since I started my quest of completing a 43 every day this year that I almost didn’t do one. However, I decided that it didn’t have to be super hard – it just needed to be!!!
So, the 43 today (Yeah!!!! there was one!) was a lateral raise while laying face-down on a stability ball. I just used 5 pound dumbbells for this move.
The main thing I focused on during the 43 was trying not to jerk my arms up and to use control when lowering them.
Yesterday after the fun family photo shoot, (more great pictures on the family page)
I like this one!
Jordan decided that he would make dinner. He had plans to concoct a unique creation (beef, ketchup, honey, barbecue sauce, Italian seasonings, lettuce, tomatoes,scrambled eggs and who knows what else were mentioned) cooked in some crazy manner. He and Chris worked together in the kitchen (I was banned) and I truly thought they were making Jordan’s stuff because of the conversations I could hear.
When they called me in, they actually had a baked spaghetti dish (very tasty!!). However, Jordan did make up a new dessert:
Jordan’s Creation
Not sure if it has a name but it was pretty good. He mixed blackberry pomegranate yogurt, some sugar, some graham cracker crumbs, some craisins, granola and honey to make the above treat! Maybe he will be the next Bobby Flay or Gordon Ramsey!!!
Happy Sunday! I’m excited because I’m going to see the Nutcracker with some friends later this afternoon – should be fun!