Today’s 43 was another one for my core. I did a V-sit crunch.
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I feel like the past 2 weeks my abs have really been neglected!! This was a good 43 – my legs (hip flexors mainly) were tired by the time I completed all 43.
I’m going to vent (meaning I’m going to rant and let out all of my frustrations) about yesterday and then I’m going to
try to move on!
Yesterday morning I called my DR (again). My right calf is still very swollen, hard and painful and my left ankle has joined in on the fun! Since the doctor had assured me (every single time I asked her) that I would be running by now (almost 2 weeks after surgery) and I can barely walk I need some answers!
When the nurse called back I said:
She was super nice and assured me that I wasn’t a being a pain and that I was right to call. They wanted to see me but I would have to see a different DR (mine was unavailable). The DR I met also does the same type surgeries.
So, when the DR came in the room and looked at my legs he said – well, yep.
He then proceeded to explain that vein stripping used to be comparable to medieval torture devices.
He went into considerable detail about how it used to be with removing the vein and the bleeding involved – blah, blah, blah (I’m going to spare you the gorey details!).
But, thanks to modern technology, the technique has become much improved – MOST OF THE TIME!
Even with the newer method of vein stripping (removal of greater saphenous vein – in left leg), ligation (veins tied off ) and phlebectomy (removal of superficial veins through small slit-like incisions in skin – reason I have little cuts all over my legs) some people still have the same recovery problems that the older surgery caused.
By recovery problems he was referring to the massive amounts of bruising, swelling and hard lump-like spots in my legs. (and pain)
He went on to say that this only happens a very small percent of the time – and that it hadn’t happened to any of his patients to date.
All well and good but – How come no one told me that before I had this done???
Of course, I asked exactly what that means in terms of recovery time – he said it could be as long as 6 weeks of keeping my legs elevated as much as possible and just minimal walking around to keep the blood flowing!
Remember, I asked my DR numerous times on both of the visits I had with her before surgery – How long will I have to take off running? Every time she said probably about a week. Not once did she think to mention that – Oh, by the way, occasionally (rarely) people have complications and it can be up to 6 weeks!!!
So, I had to cancel the sub-jobs that I had for this week and resign myself to a few more weeks of relatively little activity.
There might have been a few tearsand maybe a few curse words (not at the doctor’s office!)
and there was definitely a margarita to drink!!
Would I have done the surgery if I knew there was a chance (however slim) that the recovery could be very long and painful instead of just the week that I was expecting? I don’t know but I feel like I should have been informed so that if when it happened I would be prepared – both physically and mentally.
So now I’m going to suck it up and do what I have to do from this point on to heal. I know that whining and complaining isn’t going to help anything but I had to get it all off my chest!!!
I know that in the big picture, this is nothing. It could be so much worse.
So, I’m going to enjoy the sunshine – my big outing for the day is to cover 1st grade recess so that the teacher’s can have a longer lunch and well-deserved break for Teacher Appreciation – and stop complaining!
Happy Tuesday!!!