I did another arm move for today’s 43. I held 5 pound dumbbells and did a karate style punch.

I usually like to get in plie position to do these punches but right now that is not really an option so I just tucked my hips and put a slight bend in my knees.

For the move – I just alternated punches in a nice steady manner. A right punch and left punch made 1 rep.

Another fairly simple 43 but I’m trying to let myself off the hook – I still want to meet my goal for the year by completing a 43 every day and if it means a few easier moves then I guess that is how it has to be.
Yesterday afternoon I had a follow up appointment with my DR. She unwrapped the many layers on my legs and said everything looked good. My legs look worse now than before surgery – bruised, swollen, bulgey and overall, a mess.I took a couple of pictures while my legs were unwrapped but decided not to post them (just the one above) because I don’t want to gross anyone out with the dried blood and stuff. You can see some of the marks that the DR made the morning of surgery though.
This morning I finally got to take a shower!!! Such a small thing but it goes a long way to helping me feel human again!!! Before Chris rewrapped my legs, I took a couple of pictures:

You can see some of the little cuts (all over my legs) and the swelling around my ankle and calf. All of the purple spider veins will be treated in a couple of months (after this stuff heals).

You can see a little of the bruising behind my knee here (and again you can see the swelling in my legs).

I’m still spending more time sitting around (with my legs elevated) then anything else. I thought I would at least be able to do more walking by today. Yesterday the DR said probably another week – WHAT?!! I’m thinking maybe Monday or Tuesday at the latest!!!
What do you do when you have to spend time just sitting around? Do you get totally stir crazy?
Happy Saturday!!