Today I did my 43 in the hotel fitness room. I used a bench and a stability ball to do triceps dips.

These pictures were long after I did the actual move. I went down to the fitness room before the boys were even stirring around!! I did have to take 2 short breaks to stretch my triceps while I was doing the 43. I might be sore tomorrow!!
I ran on the small treadmill in the fitness room. It was an AWFUL run. I never felt like I settled into my breathing and I just felt sluggish the entire time. I did 6 miles (plus 0.4 miles cool-down) but they were really slow. I ended up getting through this run 1 minute at a time!!!
Yesterday, the boys and I spent time with my Poppa and my Aunt at their ranch. I always love the time I spend out there because it is so peaceful!!

We usually spend time on the front porch enjoying the view – but yesterday it was too windy for Poppa to sit out there so we spent time inside with him.
The boys did make their trek up the “mountain” to say, “Hello, Texas.” This is a tradition that started when Jordan was 2 and the little hill really did seem like a mountain. He climbed up (with Chris) and then turned around, waved and shouted his greeting!! Now, the boys can climb up – wave and yell and climb back down in about 5 minutes!!

The boys rode around for awhile with my Aunt – checking out the new fence and just enjoying the land.I always feel like I’m experiencing a return to a much simpler life when I’m at the ranch.
That bottom right picture is a swallow’s nest – it looks like it’s made out of rope but it is actually mud!!!

We will spend more time at the ranch this week visiting with my Poppa and I am looking forward to more “simple” days!!! I didn’t take my laptop, left my phone in my purse and just enjoyed the place and the people that I was with!!!

In the mornings and evenings I enjoy our time at the hotel – swimming for the boys, mindless TV, happy hour, time on the laptop!! But, during the day (for the next couple of days), I’m going to enjoy every minute that we can just hang out and live a SIMPLE life!!
Happy Tuesday!!