Today I decided to come up with another circuit-type 43. This one was great because it had some toning combined with cardio moves to target the same areas – BONUS!!!
I liked it a lot – got my heart rate way up and took about 15 minutes to do all 43 reps. (I didn’t set my timer.)
[youtuber youtube=’’]
Today is a true example of what a total dork I am – I could tell that my arms were off during the ski run. Who cares??? Just make big movements with your arms to get your heart pumping – the goofier the better!!!
After my 43 I ran. I truly planned to run outside this morning but the temp on my car said 11 when I took Hunter to school. Ummmm….no way – please don’t make me go out there!! Treadmill – here I come!!!
I did 10 miles at a fairly steady pace with a 1.5 % incline. Time – 72:49 (only let the last 2 miles drop under 7:00)
I actually felt really good running today. I tried out some new shoes that I got last week on my Dick’s shopping adventure – the Brooks PureFlow 2.

I like them OK – not sure I like them as much as my Mizunos! I do love the color though!!!
Warm or Cold – so many choices!
- Left-over pizza – I like it either way
- Apple crisp – Warm!!!
- Wine – Cold!!
- Baths – HOT
- Weather – the warmer the better!!!
I know that there are many people who like weather like this:But my happy spot looks more like this:
What about you – Warm or Cold??
Happy Thursday!
By the way, the answers to yesterday’s trivia challenge:
- the Beattles
- in the bones
- a mile