Graduation Day!!!

Today’s 43 was all about the core!!  I got this move from Nellie’s blog Brooklyn Active Mama.  Every Wednesday she features a new move and today’s Weekly Wednesday Workout  was the windshield wiper!!!

I made a slight change to the way she had it demoed – in her version, you keep your knees bent.  I decided to increase the challenge and keep my legs straight!!!  You lay on your back with your arms extended out from your body and legs straight up.  Slowly lower your legs to the right (as far as you can go while keeping your upper body still) then move your legs slowly to the left – a right and left = 1 rep.  Confused? – watch the video!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I had a hard time keeping my shoulder still – gotta keep working on it!!  Try some of these and you will immediately feel it in your obliques!!  After completing 43 I think I will be sore tomorrow!!!

Today I went back to one of my favorite workouts – Combat!!  I did Combat 60 – Ultimate Cardio Fighter!!!  It was awesome – I’ve definitely missed my combat time!!!!

GraduationI don’t know about other places/school districts but in our district you have 4 graduations before you finish school!!!  Kindergarten, 6th grade, 8th grade and of course, the final graduation from high school.

Today, I have a 6th grader and an 8th grader graduating!!!  (Which means that we are officially done with elementary school – Hunter and entering high school – Jordan!!!)

The 8th grade graduation is just names being called out – not really a ceremony.  The rest of the day is just “filler” for the kids.  We may win a “bad parent” award but Jordan didn’t want to go today and we said it was fine – his summer started yesterday!!!

1st thing in the morning!!
1st thing in the morning!!

I still made him let me take a picture!!  Can you tell he has only been up a few minutes?!  And, of course, he is in his standard white!!!  (He has worn white Nike shorts and a white Nike T-shirt every day since the beginning of 6th grade – with a few exceptions when he had to wear specific things!!!)

Hunter’s graduation from 6th grade starts with a lunch for students and parents/families followed by a 6th grade talent show and then the “graduation.”  It will be fun!!

in his favorite color
in his favorite color

Hunter loves neon yellow!!!  And the bowtie is nice addition for sure!!!

Do y’all have graduations from each “level” of school?   

Happy Wednesday!!!



Tornado Tragedy

Today’s 43 was a killer!!!  Taylor at Lifting Revolution did a post a couple weeks ago featuring 30 variations of burpees!!!  I decided to turn some of those burpee variations into my daily 43s since I like pain to challenge myself.

Today I did a burpee with a box jump (43 times – what was I thinking???).

[youtuber youtube=’′]

Disregard the fact that I look like a total dork – and about killed myself jumping on the step!!  Check out Taylor’s site – she makes the move look easy and she actually jumps into a squat on the box!!  (I was lucky to jump up and not fall off!!)

Since yesterday I talked about my lack of motivation these past few days and the overwhelming consensus was to just “suck it up” and do it – that’s what I did today!!!  After the intense 43 I ran!

I ran on the treadmill (still hesitant to hit the streets!!) – 1.5% incline, 6 miles in 40:43.  I felt better after that run about working out than I have in awhile!!!  I went for an easy 2 mile walk with a neighbor for my cool-down!!

Tragedies affect all of us differently.  The devastating tornado in Moore, OK yesterday really hits home with me.  I’ve never lived there but I think the fact that I’ve driven through Moore (on I-35) literally hundreds of times (one of those being less than 2 weeks after the huge tornado in 1999) and the fact that so many children were killed makes this one of those things that strikes a major chord with me!!!

The tornado was about 2 miles wide!  I know last night they had 51 confirmed dead and 20 of those were children!!  Plus all the people they are still searching for!!  And the loss of virtually everything for those who survived is mind boggling.

Moore tornadoMoore tornadoMoore tornadoMoore tornadoMoore tornadoMoore tornadoMoore tornadoMoore tornadoMoore tornadoMoore tornadoMoore tornado

from above
from above
fires on top of tornado
fires on top of tornado
some of the heros!!
some of the heroes!!

Many prayers for all of the people who have been affected by this and other tornados recently!!!


Motivation – What Motivation??

Today for my 43 I used my figure-8 band:

figure 8 band
figure 8 band

I put it around each ankle and started with my feet in close then jumped them out wide, wider, widest (squat) and back in – got it?!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

This was a quick 43 that I felt in my quads and it got my heart pumping – success!!

Today’s workout was HARD!!!  I did Turbo Barre with Cathe and YIKES!!  I might have even moaned and whimpered during the workout because my hips and legs were on fire and overall I was dying!!  I have done this workout before and I knew it was challenging but I don’t remember it being so brutal.  I guess that’s what happens when you have 3 weeks of almost no activity/working out!!

Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.06.35 AMSo, confession time:  The past few days, I’ve been lacking any motivation to workout.  I’m not gonna lie, this is really rare for me because I usually love the feeling of a really hard workout or run!!Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.01.43 AMTypically, I don’t even think about if I’m going to workout – I  just have to decide what I’m going to do.  Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.03.31 AMOver the weekend I did my daily 43 but that was the extent of my working out which is pretty sad since I just started back last week!!!  I tried to justify it in my mind by saying that I needed to ease back in – NOT TRUE!!!  I just didn’t want to do it!!!  Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.01.07 AM Then this morning I still didn’t want to do anything – not cool!!!  I read a few blogs thinking that would inspire me.  Finally I just buckled down and did it!! Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.04.42 AMI really needed some help – Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.05.57 AMI’m not sure a carrot stick is going to cut it either!!!  Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.05.22 AMI think that part of the problem is the fact that I got out of the habit and feel like I’m starting from scratch! Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.04.01 AMPlus, I told Chris last night that it isn’t as fun to workout when my legs hurt before I even start!  I try to just suck it up and do it but it is sapping the joy out of my workouts for sure!Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.00.38 AMI’m hoping that this is a temporary thing because fitness is really my passion so I don’t know how to deal with this lack of desire to get a good sweat on!!Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.00.27 AMI guess I will just keep forcing myself to hit it hard and hope that the joy comes back!!Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.06.11 AMEither that or find a new passion – JUST KIDDING!!!Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.02.14 AMIn the meantime I will make this my mantra – Screen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.02.36 AMScreen shot 2013-05-20 at 11.02.59 AM

Does anyone else ever struggle with a lack of motivation (even for things that you generally love)?  What do you do about it?

And just for fun – here are some of the pictures I took yesterday on our 2 hour drive through a major storm.  (I was keeping myself busy while Chris had the stressful job of driving – he said it doesn’t bother him – perk of being a pilot, I guess!!)

Check out the storm chaser!  Look how dark it is between 4 & 6 in the afternoon!!
Check out the storm chaser! Look how dark it is between 4 & 6 in the afternoon!!

Happy Monday – I’m off to find some motivation!!!



Silver Linings

Today for my 43 I did some squat and lunge work because yesterday I caught a glimpse of my backside and realized that I have lost a lot of butt toning the past few weeks (TMI??) and swimsuit season is here!!!  Yikes!!

So today, I did a 4-step move to try and start back in the right direction (ie – not saggy!!!). I held 12 pound dumbbells during this move to add some extra intensity and weight!

good morning!
good morning!

I started with a side-lunge to the right –

lunge to the right
lunge to the right

Then I stepped my foot back to the center for a squat with feet together –

feet together, butt back
feet together, butt back

A side-lunge to the left –

lunge to the left (don't mind the fact that I'm not going super low - wraps get in the way!)
lunge to the left (don’t mind the fact that I’m not going super low – wraps get in the way!)

And finally, another center squat to finish the rep –

feet together, butt back
feet together, butt back

One thing I love about doing lower body work like this, I can get my heart rate up  while toning!! By the time I finished all 43 reps, I was breathing hard for sure!!

I’m giving myself another recovery day because between being an idiot last week, the storms last night, and being awake from 2-4 this morning while waiting for Jordan and the rest of the band kids to get back, I think it will be the best idea for the day!!

Screen shot 2013-05-19 at 9.58.52 AM

A couple of weeks ago I read the book The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick and loved it!!  It is pretty intense but the concept is awesome (I’m not going to do a book review here because you might want to read it yourself!!).  The other day, Chris and I watched the movie!!!  Awesome movie – great story (and enough humor that Chris even enjoyed it!!).

A lot of times, I don’t like to read a book then  watch the movie –  it drives me crazy when they don’t match up.  However, in this case, I didn’t mind the differences between the 2 (and there were plenty!!).  I enjoyed the movie more – it wasn’t as intense (plus, hello, Bradley Cooper!!).

One thing I noticed, though, the concept of Silver Linings is brought out a lot more in the book.  Pat (Bradley Cooper), is convinced that he will have a silver lining after all of the hardships he has gone through.  Screen shot 2013-05-19 at 10.04.50 AMI tend to agree with this idea most of the time.  I think the times that we need the silver lining the most are sometimes the times it is hardest to really remain positive and believe that every bad situation has some good aspect to it. Screen shot 2013-05-19 at 10.07.50 AMI think we all have different ways of “looking for the silver linings”.  Some of us run!  Some of us pray.  Some of us turn to friends and/or family.  I think the main thing is to keep looking for that Silver Lining because it’s there!!Screen shot 2013-05-19 at 10.13.10 AMWithout the trying times in our lives, we would never fully appreciate the happy times!!Screen shot 2013-05-19 at 10.10.57 AM

Screen shot 2013-05-19 at 10.15.53 AM


How do you look for the Silver Lining during the low times?

Happy Sunday – I hope it’s full of Silver Linings!!!


PS – I highly recommend the book (if you’re a reader) and the movie!!

Roller Coasters – Love them or Hate them?

Today’s 43 was a lot of jumping!!  I haven’t done a single burpee in weeks now – and as much as I hate burpees, I love them even more!!!  I didn’t do a true burpee today (no push-up) but close.

I did a squat thrust (burpee with no push-up) and then 2 floor jack before jumping back in and jumping up.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

This was a fairly quick 43 but it definitely got my heart rate up!!

No other workout today – going to gear up for the “party” circuit!!!

Screen shot 2013-05-18 at 9.26.24 AMRoller coasters are not my thing!!!  They don’t make me sick – I just don’t like them!!!Screen shot 2013-05-18 at 9.27.41 AMAnd, the wooden roller coasters – don’t get me started on how much I hate them!!  I haven’t been on one in about 20 years!Screen shot 2013-05-18 at 9.29.41 AMSo, today, Jordan is with a band group at Screen shot 2013-05-18 at 9.32.50 AM

I’m not really worried (maybe a little).   I’m super happy that I’m not there!!Screen shot 2013-05-18 at 9.33.39 AMI hope that he and all of the band (and orchestra) members have a great time!!!Jordan - bandAnd, hopefully, Jordan has inherited his Dad’s love of roller coasters and not my fear aversion to them!!!

Do you like roller coasters?

Happy Saturday!!
