The FitBit Force

Today’s 44 was all about hold and control!  I held a chair pose and did alternating side tap-outs.

chair pose (in the mirror!)
chair pose (in the mirror!)

Because I had to take my own pictures using the mirror reflection, I couldn’t hold both arms up.  However, when I did the actual move, I really did keep my arms up the entire time!!!

tap right
tap right
tap left
tap left

So, even though the pictures are awful, you can get the basic idea!!!  I counted a right tap out and a left tap out as 1 rep.

I think this year I’m going to work my way through all of my workout DVDs – that should be a fun way to mix things up!!!

This morning I did Jillian Michaels Hard Body – Level 1.  This is a 45 minute workout that incorporates strength training and cardio – my favorite!!!

FitBit Force
FitBit Force

Yesterday I mentioned that I scored a major deal on a FitBit Force.  I have been wearing it every day this week and so far it has been good as a pedometer but that is about it.

Screen Shot 2014-01-02 at 8.53.35 AMAbove is a screen shot from yesterday.  I think the steps are probably right (sadly all but about 2200 of them were during my run and then I was a slug!!) but nothing else is accurate.

I ran 8 miles hard yesterday and then did another 2.5 miles (10.5 miles total) – and the mileage for the entire day doesn’t even show 6 miles?!

Also, the active minutes isn’t accurate – yesterday I was on the treadmill for a total of 95 minutes.  Right now (after my workout, 44 and other moves) the active minutes is showing 1.  Really?!

I know the calorie count is way off which is fine because I don’t really pay attention to that anyway.

The part that is the most disappointing is the sleep tracker.  I thought it would really show how much I’m awake and sleep patterns but it doesn’t.  Because it is on your wrist, you have to be moving that arm a LOT for it to realize that you are awake.  I usually try to lay still even when I can’t sleep so basically the entire time I’m in bed it records as sleep time.

I’m going to keep wearing my FitBit and trying to really increase my daily steps but I’m very happy that I only ended up spending a couple dollars on this since it is really just a pedometer at this point.

Any thoughts on the FitBit and ways to make it more accurate overall?

Happy Thursday!!!  3 degrees with snow covering the ground here  – pretty sure I need a beach!!!


2014: New Year with New Opportunities

Today I did a crunch with a punch for my 44.  A pretty basic move but clasping my hands and punching between my legs forced me to come up higher on the crunch part.


This was a fairly simple move but I always need to work my core!!

(Yes, we still have up our Christmas trees – we always leave them up through New Year’s!!!  I will undecorate this weekend.)

I’m fixing to head down and hop on my treadmill for a nice easy run to kick off the new year.  This has been a tradition of mine for years – even last year when I had a stress fracture in my hip I broke the no-running rule and ran on January 1!!!

Screen Shot 2014-01-01 at 9.17.45 AM


I don’t do New Year’s resolutions – they don’t work for me.  

However, I do have a list of things that I want to try in the new year.  This list will probably grow as the year goes on but a few of the things include:

1.  Quinoa – I have seen so many tasty looking recipes for this that I am finally going to try it!!!

2.  Spaghetti Squash – This is something else that I have never had (don’t be shocked!) and plan to try out this year.

3.  FitBit – I had a special offer savings at Best Buy and a couple of gift cards so I ended up getting a FitBit Force  this week for $2.44 (can’t beat that!!).  I’m going to try tracking my daily activity and sleep patterns.  In the past 2 days I have already seen how inactive I am – gonna work on that.

4.  Reconnecting – This past fall I have done a horrible job staying in touch with many of my friends and I am going to make more effort this year to stay connected!

5.  Experimenting – I love making new recipes but they are often just a variation of something I already make.  This year I want to be more adventurous in the kitchen.  One year I tried cooking from other countries and I’m going to bring that back!!!

6.  Growing our Business  – I’ve had 4 months now to get my feet wet as a business owner.  Now I think I’m ready to try to expand the business.

7.  Living every day to the fullest!!!  Above all, I want this year to be enjoyed.  I want to spend time with my boys and Chris having fun and appreciating all of the little things that come along every day!

Screen Shot 2014-01-01 at 9.31.34 AMI’m looking forward to 2014 and everything that this new year has to offer.  I’m hoping it will be fun of new adventures for all of us!

Happy Wednesday and Happy 2014!!!
