A Week of Fun (7/27-8/2)

This week the 44s were all about having fun!!!

Sunday 7/27  44 sets of 10 jumps on a Pogo Stick!!

So, I did a total of 440 jumps (plus some more just because it was so much fun).  Jordan and Hunter also tried the Pogo Stick – Jordan was a natural and Hunter struggled to get more than 2 jumps but has practiced during the week and is up to about 30!!!  Chris jumped once and said that was plenty!

Monday 7/28  44 “hopscotch” jumps – start on right foot – hop front to both feet – back to left – front to both – back to right for 1 rep.

This was fun even though my balance was a bit off!!!

I started the Lean Circuit in Chalean Extreme and did Lean Circuit 1. This is the circuit that really pushes you as far as lifting heavy for more reps – I have been pretty sore this week!!!

It was also a run day – 6 miles in 41:58 + 2.25 easy miles.

Tuesday 7/29  44 power skips with a step back.  Skip by pushing off left foot then stepping back with left foot.  

Jordan did the video and totally cracked me up!!!  He said, well you do it – so I did even though it was afternoon and I had on real clothes!

I did 44 with my left leg and then 44 more with my right.

This was another run day – 6 miles in 40:55 + 1 easy mile.

Wednesday 7/30  44 Carioca – right over left – right behind left for 1 rep.  Do all reps with right leg leading then another set of 44 with left leg leading.

Back to heavy lifting – Chalean Extreme Lean Circuit 3.  I didn’t realize that I did circuit 3 instead of 2 until later in the week – oh, well!!!

Thursday 7/31  44 shuffle jacks.

I did 44 sliding right and then 44 more with a left shuffle.

It was also a run day – 5 miles in 34:27 + 1.9 easy miles.

Friday 8/1 – 44 front – back hops.

I loved this move – it went fast but it was a great way to move and have fun!

I did another round of Chalean Extreme – Lean Circuit 2.  I thought it was supposed to be circuit 3 and then realized I had done the wrong one on Wednesday – it doesn’t really matter though – they all got done!!!

Saturday 8/2  44 fun run step.  Run front – back with right foot and then do a set with the left foot.

Even though I look like a goof, I loved this move – super fun!!!

And, I ran again – 8.3 miles in 59:24 (I wanted to see what I could do in an hour without killing myself!) + 1 easy mile.

This week was a little different – I had to shorten a lot of my workouts (the actual time) because I worked enrollment for the school and had to be showered and out the door by about 6:40.  Thankfully the boys all helped me get my videos done later in the day!!!

Happy Saturday!


People Watching

This week I worked enrollment for our school district.  For the first time we had centralized  enrollment which meant high school, middle school and all of the elementary schools would come to the high school to enroll.

I thought it would be a complete mess but it was actually very smooth.    It helps that elementary students don’t really need to come because all of their enrollment can be done online.


I worked the early shift (7:00 am -11 ish)  every morning and there was plenty of opportunity to people watch!!!!

One of the things I noticed is how many people try to ignore others.  The table of cheerleaders was just across from where I was and they were trying to give people tickets for a car wash.  The tickets are free and then they can just make a donation when they come to the car wash.  

Over half of the people ignored the girls when they tried to pass out the tickets – it was like they were in Vegas ignoring all the people handing out fliers.


I don’t understand why people aren’t willing to at least take a second and get the little FREE ticket!!!

It is also fun to observe some of the family dynamics.  Some people bring the entire family to enroll and that often involves young kids fighting, babies screaming and tempers flaring!!!

Some of the middle school and high school kids are all about wondering around and catching up with friends.  Others (like my Jordan) just want to get in, get through all the lines and be done!!!

I saw people all dressed up, girls in shorts that barely covered their butt checks and people in the equivalent of pajamas!!

My favorite part is to just watch people’s faces  – some of everything!


I’m always amazed when people flat out refuse to return a smile – especially when you are just trying to help them!!!

Do you like to people watch?

Happy Friday!
