Today I used my super cool ladder (again) for the 43.

I did a series of in & out abs. To do in & out abs – start in plank and jump your feet in and then back out to plank. In & out abs using the ladder just increases the challenge.
I did 43 in & out abs into the first rung of the ladder and 43 into the 2nd rung of the ladder. I’m still trying to build up to the 3rd rung (it is no joke!!) so I only did 13 on that level.
[youtuber youtube=’′]
You can see from the video that I really struggle with the 3rd level – but doing any to that level is an improvement on the first time I did this move (this past Tuesday) when I couldn’t even do 1!!!
Today was another day of Insanity Asylum – Speed and Agility. This workout seemed harder than the first time I did it. Probably because now I know the moves so I did everything hard-core!!! Finished with sweat dripping everywhere – SUCCESS!!!
Well, if you’ve been reading this blog for awhile you know that earlier in the spring I passed my ACE personal trainer certification but I haven’t done anything with it yet. I decided to just take the plunge and start using some of my training and previous education.
So, I’m starting a backyard/beach bootcamp!!! (some days it will be in my backyard and some days at the swim beach)
Tomorrow is the first day and I’m so excited!! (and NERVOUS!!!) It has been a long time since I led a fitness group of any type. This morning, I even made Chris and the boys go through tomorrows plan as a practice!!!
I think that boot camp should be challenging but I don’t want it to be so hard that no one wants to come back. I also want to make sure that it is a complete workout every time.
- strength
- cardio
- flexibility
- core
- lower body
- upper body
I hope that this will be a fun experience for everyone but also one where they see results!!!
I’m off to enjoy a relaxing day (if going to the grocery store is considered relaxing) because this week starts with early morning workouts everyday (plus my normal workouts) and hopefully the boys and I will finally be able to enjoy the swim beach (if the sun decides to shine) – gonna be busy!!!
Happy Sunday!!!