Today’s 44 was a great one to work my whole body and I got my heart rate up – bonus!!!
I did a plie while holding a dumbbell (10 pounds) – stood and pressed the DB overhead and to the right while lifting my left heel – lowered to plie – repeated to the left for 1 rep.
[youtuber youtube=’’]
The video is super dark because Jordan doesn’t believe in light in the morning – he’s 15!!!
2 weeks ago, I walked into a nasty disgusting apartment and had a little freak out!!!
Today we have new tenants moving in!!!! In a short (BUSY) 2 weeks the apartment has undergone a huge transformation!!!

Before (left) & After (right)

Before (L) and After (R)

Before (middle)
After (sides)

Before (L) & After (R)

In the last 2 weeks – we hauled out 2 dumpsters full of stuff plus a couch and several other pieces of furniture, cleaned the nastiness, primed, painted, repaired numerous broken things (good thing Chris is super handy!!), did another cleaning (that’s how gross it was) and hung curtains.
The apartment went from being a place that I couldn’t stand to a super cute apartment with a lot of character!!!
In 2 months, we’ve turned over 2 of the 3 apartments – I hope that we don’t have to do this again any time soon!!!!
Happy Friday!