Category Archives: Butt

A Sherpa Wife I’m Not

Today I did a single leg power hop with my opposite foot on a stability ball for my 44.  

And, I’m completely aware that I look like a total goof in the video – I had already done 44 reps on each side and that was the 2nd attempt at a video so 20 extra reps!!!! Plus, I’m just not that coordinated!!!  The good news is I still got a major quad burn by the time I was done!!!

I did Cathe – Turbo Barre today.  Yikes!!!  I always forget how challenging that workout is! It is 75 minutes of  high reps – my hips are going to be sore but it’s good with the extra running!!!Screen Shot 2014-01-22 at 6.55.43 AM

If you know Lindsay over at Cotter Crunch you know that she is the epitome of a Sherpa wife!!!   Her husband is a professional triathlete and she does everything in her power to help him and make his life and training as successful as possible.  I admire her in many ways!!

However, I don’t think that I will ever be considered a sherpa of any sort.  I want to be supportive and helpful and do OK right up until someone (like my husband) is sick.  And then it’s an epic fail!!!!

Screen Shot 2014-01-22 at 7.08.00 AMUmm….yep, this is pretty much my mentality!!!  Rude isn’t it?!  

Especially when you consider the fact that when I’m sick Chris is all about taking care of me!!!Screen Shot 2014-01-22 at 7.05.55 AM

I want to be more compassionate and I try but I always end up reverting back to the “suck it up” thing.  I would like to say that it causes me stress when Chris is sick and that is just how I deal with it but I think what it comes down to is I’m more selfish than I should be.

Maybe I should shadow Lindsay for a day or year or so (cause that’s not creepy at all!!!).

Are you a sherpa?  Does your husband wait on you when you are sick?

Happy Wednesday!!!


PS – after yesterday’s post about clothes and all I thought I would show you a picture of what I wore yesterday to run a ton of errands.  

standard winter attire
standard winter attire – yoga pants and a fleece top

I did wear shoes and not fuzzy socks!!!  Considering that it was about 7 degrees while I was out, I don’t feel at all bad.  And, I was super productive yesterday and made it through my entire “To Do” list!!!

Hug Your Loved Ones Tight

Today I did a 44 with a little bit of everything – balance work, core, glutes, biceps and triceps.

I used my wobble disc – Wobble Discand did a half squat – 


While staying in this position I did bicep/tricep arms – alternating each arm –

left bicep - right tricep
left bicep – right tricep
left tricep - right bicep
left tricep – right bicep

I used 8 pound dumbbells and counted a bicep-tricep for each arm as 1 rep = my arms felt this for sure.  (Especially since I did my 75 sec plank followed by 40 push-ups for the January core challenge right after this.)

I also ran again!!!  Today I wanted to push the pace a little since I’ve been doing a lot of slower runs.  I did 7 miles in 43:27 (6:12 pace) and then another 1.3 miles as my cool down.

Screen Shot 2014-01-18 at 9.33.12 AMYesterday afternoon we learned that a family we know (one of Jordan’s good friends) lost a loved one suddenly on Thursday night.  A police officer came to their house to tell them that their oldest son/brother had been in a car crash and did not make it (he was 24).

As a mom I have a hard time putting myself in that position and my heart breaks for the entire family.

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I know that many people today are running in honor of Meg whose death should not have happened and is tragic on every level.

Screen Shot 2014-01-18 at 9.37.59 AMI am honored to dedicate my run this morning for her.  

Screen Shot 2014-01-18 at 9.32.44 AMThis morning we are going to a memorial service for some friends of ours (2 high school girls) whose dad lost his battle with cancer.  I know that they would love to hug their dad just one more time.

Losing someone is always hard whether you had time to prepare because it was due to illness or the sudden unexpected tragedies that happen all around us.  Living with regret is even worse.

Today make sure that you don’t have a reason to regret anything – enjoy every second and show your loved ones how very much they mean to you!!!

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Happy Saturday!


Friday Happy Hour

Today for the 44 I did donkey kicks.  You start in plank (although after starting to kick I never went back to plank) and kick your feet up in the air.  

This is one of those moves that it takes a couple of reps to get into the rhythm.  Even though the demo just shows slow ones, I mixed it up and did 5 slow and then 5 quick until I completed all 44.

I did another new Biggest Loser DVD today – Calorie Knockout.  Overall it was a good workout.  The first segment was with Anna Kournikova and she led it sort-of like she led her team the season she was on The Biggest Loser (not that well!!!).  It was supposed to be 15 minutes and at 12 she said we were done – WHAT?!

Thankfully the next 2 segments were really good and very intense – one with Bob and the other with Dolvett!

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 6.45.42 AMSince it’s Friday I thought it would be fun if we had happy hour and all y’all are invited!! 

What will you bring? 
And more importantly what are you happy about?

I’m probably going to bring some wine (Moscato) because I LIKE WINE!!! And I might also bring some chips and guacamole because that sounds good today!!!  (Feel free to bring a protein shake if that is more your style!!)

I’m happy that this weekend is a 3 day weekend for all of us – Chris is off on Monday and the boys don’t have school!!!  Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 6.54.04 AMActually Chris has a 4 day weekend since he is off today – glad I only have 2 meetings this morning and the rest of the day free!!!

I’m happy that this weekend is supposed to be warm again – 63 is the predicted high for Sunday!!  I will definitely take that in January!!

I’m happy that I know someone who is at least thinking about running the 50 mile race with me in May!!!  I hope it works out, Carmen!!!

I’m also happy that in the last year I have made so many great bloggy friends – I appreciate all of y’all who stop in and read my ramblings – I enjoy getting to know you and also love to see people that I already know over here!!!

Happy Friday!!!



Workout Options – Videos, Pinterest, Machines, Classes, Wing-It

Today’s 44 came from Nellie (Brooklyn Active Mama) and her Weekly Wednesday Workout.  The move was a butt bench raise – looks fairly simple but after a few you will definitely feel it.  

Lay on your back with your feet on a bench at about 90 degrees – 


Squeeze and lift your butt off the ground –


The last 10-15 were hard – my butt and hamstrings were burning!!!

Today was also another running day – 1.5% incline – 8 miles in 62:47 + 1.5 easy cool down miles.  After almost 30 years of running I’ve finally learned that slowing down and just logging the miles is a better choice if I want to run more often and higher mileage!!!

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Workout Options:  How do you choose?

There are so many different workout options available and all of them are a little different.  How do you choose what to do?!

my fitness DVDs
my fitness DVDs – I’ve been adding to this collection for years!!!

Workout videos are always an option!!  I love using DVDs especially at 5:00 am (or for years 4:30 am) because I can get a great workout without having to think a lot.  Funny that I can move around and push my body early in the morning but it takes my mind a bit longer to get going.

Pinterest is a great source of workouts or a perfect place to store all the great ones that you find through blogs or other places.  My workout board grows every single day!!  


There are always options like treadmills (LOVE) and ellipticals (HATE)!!  And if you go to a real gym, not just my basement, you have so many other great options!!!

Another option is the many classes available.  I think that DVDs are similar except you don’t get the social benefit and for some people a class can be far more motivating because you have the encouragement of an instructor and the other participants.

Screen Shot 2014-01-16 at 7.15.55 AMOr, you could just wing it.  This option doesn’t work for me (it goes back to the early morning thing and having to think!!!) but might be great for others to just show up and make something up as they go.

Of course, there is always the completely natural – walk or RUN outside!!!!!

What other workout options are there?  What is your favorite?

Happy Thursday!!!


You’ve Never Been Where?!

Today for my 44 I did rocking squat – it was every bit as awkward as it sounds!!  

Start in a squat position – 

rock onto toes
rock onto toes


rock back onto heels
rock back onto heels

More than anything this is a nice way to warm-up your shins and calves – and get a little burn from holding the squat!!!

And, it was another happy day on the treadmill!!!  I did 8 miles at a fairly steady pace – just a few seconds under an hour or right at 7:30 pace and then another 1.15 miles super easy.  I’m hoping to have more running days this year – trying to be smart about it though because I have a history of stress fractures. (in 10 years I’ve had 3 or 4 in my right foot and 1 in each hip)

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 7.42.01 PMSomehow I have a 15 year old and an almost 13 year old and neither one of them have ever been to the circus!!!

What?!  How did this happen?  

And, to make things even worse, neither Chris nor the boys  have ever been to a rodeo!!!

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 7.44.34 PMI feel like they have been sheltered and are missing out in a big way!!

Of course, then Chris reminded  me that they have been skiing, to lots of beaches and for 5 straight summers we went to Hawaii starting when Hunter was 4 and Jordan 6.  (The Hawaii gig was because we got to fly Space A, free, on the tanker – and I think it is time for another trip!!!)

But still, the circus is like having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich – it is part of growing up!!!

Jordan said, “I’m not going to a circus.  I don’t want to see clowns juggling swords with creepy faces.”  OY!!!  

Maybe I will take them to a cattle auction!!  None of them (Chris or the boys) have ever been to one of those either and I think everyone should experience the thrill of a cattle auction!!!  (I used to go with my grandparents – good times!!!)

Have you been to the circus?  A rodeo?  What about a cattle auction?
What is one place you think all kids should experience at least once?

Happy Wednesday!
