Category Archives: Resistance Bands

Working the Band (4/27-5/3)

This week’s 44s were all about using this little band – 

Turbo Fire Band
Turbo Fire Band

Since I was in Texas for the first part of the week, this was a perfect tool to use!  And, all of my pictures were taken either Thursday or Friday morning after I was home – I did the moves on the actual day though!!!

Sunday 4/27 44  bicep curl with a lunge (hold the other end of the band up over shoulder for extra resistance.

ready to lunge and curl right
ready to lunge and curl right
down and curl
down and curl

And, of course, I had to do a 2nd set of 44 with my left side.

left side
left side

I also did Turbo Fire Tone 30 which is 30 minutes of full body toning using bands.

Monday 4/28 – 44 tricep kickbacks in plank.

start in plank
start in plank
lift right arm (elbow up!)
lift right arm (elbow up!)
extend arm
extend arm

These were challenging – to try and keep my body straight, hold plank with one arm and do  44 kickbacks with resistance!!!  And, I had to do a 2nd set!!!

left arm ready
left arm ready

I did TaeBo Fat Blasting Cardio (another portable workout!!) and a nice easy 30 minute run (probably only 3 miles).

Tuesday 4/29 – 44 lateral raise with opposite side leg lift.

ready to raise right arm & lift the left leg
ready to raise right arm & lift the left leg

I love moves that work on balance!!!  And, I try to stay balanced so I had another set of 44.

ready for left arm and right leg
ready for left arm and right leg

The rest of my workout was TaeBo Insane Abs (50 minutes of nonstop core work!) and a super easy 50 minute run (about 5 miles).

Wednesday 4/30  44 abdominal presses with the band.

lean back and extend legs
lean back and extend legs

This move will definitely get your core burning!!!

I just did a 75 minute easy run (7.5-8 miles).

Thursday 5/1 – 44 squat with bicep curl (band crossed for extra resistance).

down and curl
down and curl
side view
side view

Can you tell that I was all about multi-functional exercises for the week?

Since I was back home on my treadmill I decided to do a harder run – 10 miles in 79:54  + 1.5 miles easy.

Friday 5/2 – 44 overhead press with opposite leg stepping back to a lunge.

ready for right arm/left leg
ready for right arm/left leg
press and lunge
press and lunge

Another move that required a 2nd set!!!

ready to press left and lung right
ready to press left and lung right
press and lunge
press and lunge

This move was hard – gotta keep working my shoulders!!!

It was also a run day – 6 miles in 47:52  + 2.5 easy miles.

Saturday 5/3 – 44 sumo squat with a chest fly (standing).

ready - choke up on the band
ready – choke up on the band
down and pull arm around
down and pull arm around

Right arm done – time for the left!

ready to go
ready to go
down and push arm around
down and push arm around

Today was a fun running day – Hunter’s long run!  He had 95 minutes on the schedule.  We kept our 5 minute run/1 minute walk and ended up with 10 miles in 93:40!!!  Even with the walking he is still averaging 9:22 a mile (the same pace he had last week when we did 9 miles!!).  He is doing such a great job with his training for the half marathon!

Total Running – 41.5 + 4.5 easy for a total of 46.  Not sure that is great since one week from today I plan to run further at one time than I went all week – I think I’m ready though!

Happy Saturday!!


No Excuses – We Can Always Make Time to MOVE!!!

Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 7.32.25 PM

I’m not a fan of excuses when it comes to working out!  

I think that exercise/activity is something we can all fit into our days if we really want to.  There is no need for fancy equipment or hours and hours – it is just a matter of making a choice to MOVE YOUR BODY!!!

When I travel, I love bands like these – 

one or more - small and portable!
one or more – small and portable!

They don’t take up much space or add any extra weight in a suitcase.  They are great for toning moves (on Saturday I will show all the moves I did this week using a band for my daily 44).  

You can combine moves for a full body workout or just do a couple of moves.

If you only have a few minutes, you can still get your heart rate up – Tabata is a great choice.  In as little as 4 minutes you can really push yourself.

Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 7.42.30 PM

Burpees – one of the greatest moves ever!!!  Cardio, toning, hard, fun = burpees!!!  Think you don’t have time to workout?  Just do a few burpees – you will know that you made an effort and feel much better!!!

So, the next time you think you don’t have the time or space to workout – do some burpees or a tabata, grab a resistance band – just spend a few minutes and you will feel much better all day long!

Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 7.30.57 PM

What is your go-to move when you don’t have much time or space to workout?  

Happy Friday!


37 Miles of Running (and it was GOOD!!)

Today’s 44 was a fairly simple move but definitely one that works a lot of  muscles.  I took my resistance band and put the loops on my feet then pulled the middle up to my chest.

sort of like this
sort of like this

Actually I put my upper body closer to the ground (but not on it)

can you tell that my back is not on the ground?
can you tell that my back is not on the ground?

From this awkward position, I did flutter kicks with my legs.

right down left up
right down left up
switch (this picture is actually more of a motion shot!!)

(Drill weekend makes it hard to get pictures – Chris leaves early and the boys are still sleeping!!!)

The move was great for working my abs (entire core actually) and my hip flexors which are a little bit sore from yesterday.  I counted a right leg down and left leg down as 1 rep.

Yesterday morning after a poor night of sleep thanks to an incredibly loud crash at 2:05 am and time spent wandering through the house to try and find the source, Chris found out what it was when he left at 5:30 am.  See the patch job on that fence? 

DSCN0176Well, the fence was put up a couple of years ago to surround a generator of some sort that the city/county/someone put in our yard (for the entire lake neighborhood).  Anyway, the generator is pretty damaged right now thanks to someone crashing into the fence and it at 2:05 am Friday morning – kind of scary!!!

The morning continued by throwing another curveball into my plans.  Hunter came upstairs with a nosebleed (he gets them fairly often) and this was the kind that wouldn’t stop.  Poor boy!!  His nose bled from 6:30 until about 7:30.  We usually leave at 7:20 for school and he hadn’t even been able to eat breakfast.

So, I took Jordan and came back for Hunter (the middle school and high school are pretty much side-by-side and start within 10 minutes of each other).   The worst part for Hunter was the fact that his team (they have teams at the middle school) was leaving at 8:30 to go to an elementary school for READ Day.  Thankfully he was better when I got back home so I took him to school (he ended up having another nosebleed when he got there but made it to his class by 8:25!!).

Run 60 race shirt
Run 60 race shirt

I started my run a little later than I had planned to but it all worked out!!!

Plenty of time to watch movies/DVRed TV while running 37 miles – I watched You Again (with Jamie Lee Curtis), What to Expect When You’re Expecting (super cute), finally watched Sean & Catherine get married on The Bachelor Wedding (it was very awkward at times!!!), and the latest episode of Dance Moms!!!

And just a short 5 hours and 23 minutes later, this happened!!!

not just 23 minutes (it flipped 3 times!!)
not just 23 minutes (it flipped 3 times!!)

This was truly the best mega run I’ve had in a long time.  I ran the entire way (no walking) and other than achey knees and sore feet, I felt strong for all 37 miles!!!

a bit sweaty but...
a bit sweaty but…

I’m glad that I did the virtual race – I know that the entry fee went to a good cause and it was fun to think about Kristin doing the same distance out in CA (we actually ran almost the exact same time – she was a minute faster in 5:22) plus it was good for my long distance running mojo!!!

Happy Saturday!!!


Sunday Morning Cartoons

Today’s 44 started off nice and easy but the last 10 or so were rough!!!  I used a resistance band – 

Turbo Fire Band
Turbo Fire Band

Double the band under and sit on it in V-sit –


I stayed in this position and did a shoulder press –

press up
press up

Like I said, this started off fine but from about 30 on I struggled!!!

Screen Shot 2014-01-19 at 8.56.07 AM

This week has been a bit intense so I thought some of the old-time Sunday cartoons would be a nice change of pace!

oh, technology!!!
oh, technology!!!
competitive much?
competitive much?
Hmmm.....too much computer time?!
Hmmm…..too much computer time?!
HaHa - pretty much true!
HaHa – pretty much true!
Lucy - so helpful!!!
Lucy – so helpful!!!
the new norm!
the new norm!
the only way I can solve the crossword!
the only way I can solve the crossword!
Cathy - one of my all time favorites!!
Cathy – one of my all time favorites!!

Screen Shot 2014-01-19 at 9.10.05 AMOK – maybe they weren’t that funny but we can all do with a good laugh!!!

Happy Sunday!!!
