Today’s 43 was another combo move!! This move is a big part of Les Mills Combat – HIIT Power. I decided to just make the move my 43 instead of doing that workout today because I wanted to run!!
So, the 43 was a squat with a bicep curl – stand with a shoulder press – squat when you bring your arms back down = 1 rep. (not as confusing as it sounds, I promise!)
Today I used 15 pound dumbbells and by the last 15-20 I was working really hard!!! (And, again – I don’t know why my videos are coming out so dark when I upload them – gotta work on that!!!)
I ran for the 3rd time this week!! I rarely run more than that in a week anymore – body can’t handle it. Good week – 3x – almost 30 total miles (counting the cool down ones!).
Today was a fast, hard 8 miles at 1.5 % incline in 48:38 with an easy 2 to finish for a total of 82:00 minutes. Next Saturday I have a big run planned – can’t wait!!!
This night has marked one of my favorite times of year for as long as I can remember!!
Growing up I loved when Daylight Savings time started because it meant that we had an extra hour to play outside before dark! We used to spend hours outside when I was a kid. Sort-of different with kids now! I’m pretty sure that kids today could care less about the time change or an extra hour before it gets dark – different world!
Now, I love the change to Daylight Savings because it means it is almost spring!!!
I used my treadmill again for my 43 today!! I took one of the moves that Charlotte (The Great Fitness Experiment) demonstrated on the treadmill and modified it to make it work on my treadmill.
The move is a walking plank (hands on the treadmill – feet on the floor or a box) with the treadmill at 1 mph. She did it off the back of the treadmill but I don’t have room behind mine so I did it in the reverse by going off the front of the treadmill!
(I don’t know why it is so dark – but you get the idea!!) I counted a right hand and left hand as 1 rep so I moved my hands 86 times to get the 43. And, just for fun, I did 2 sets!! Thanks for a great idea, Charlotte!!!
To protect my hands, I wore a pair of lifting gloves:
The rest of my work-out was…..big surprise….Les Mills Combat – Combat 45. Lots of jumping moves in this one!!!
Definitely Fun Friday today!!! The boys don’t have school (teacher work day), Chris is off, I’m having a mammogram and bone density scan (oh, wait – not sure that fits with the theme!!!) – It’s gonna be a great day!!!
And……..I PASSED!!!!! Once again, I’m an ACE certified personal trainer.
I know it’s blurry, but can you tell it says PASS?! I’m just happy that today I don’t have to study!!!
For my 43 today, I used a move from Ab Ripper X (one of the P90X programs). I did the “scissor” move. Lay on your back with your left leg extended a few inches off the floor and your right leg pointed straight up.
Hold this for a 5-count then smoothly switch leg positions and hold again.
not a very flattering shot!
Like Tony Hortonsays, “Scissor – get it?” (he’s a goof but I guess he provides some laughs while kicking your butt!!)
Anyway, I did the scissor move to work my abs (hip flexors, too) as my 43 today.
I just recently ordered (and received) my first pairs of compression socks. I wore a pair the other day after my run to see if it helped my Achilles. Today I decided to try them out while I ran.
BTW – if you look really closely at my shirt you can see it is from a race on March 27, 1993!!! The Azalea Trail Run in Mobile, AL – during my grad school days. Doesn’t everyone have shirts that are almost 20 years old???
Time to run!
I’ve already mentioned (more than once) that I LOVE my treadmill!!!
I did a hard 10 miles at a 1.5 % incline followed by a much easier 2 miles with steeper incline (maxing at 30%) for a total of 93:00 minutes.
So, I’m not sure how I feel about the compression socks. I have had them on for about 2.5 hours (including the run) and they completely cut into the top part of my calf. I don’t think I could go up a size because the heel fit is good and they are almost too long as it is. Anyone else have this problem with compression socks?
I’m a little lot stressed right now. I have a huge test tomorrow (ACE Personal Trainer certification) and I don’t feel remotely prepared. The sad part is, I used to know all of this stuff (and I’ve done this test before – I just let my certification completely lapse so I have to start over). My masters is in Sports Medicine – unfortunately that was almost 20 years ago and I’ve used very little of that information in the past 15+ years. I spent hours studying yesterday and will do the same again today but there is so much to learn and remember!!
I try not to get stressed about things but sometimes – WHEW!!! Last night I didn’t think I would ever fall asleep – I kept thinking and thinking and thinking… I figured a good hard run would help clear my head (so I can muddle it again in a few minutes!).
One of the blogs I enjoy reading is The Great Fitness Experiment by Charlotte. Today she had an entertaining story about her and a gym buddy trying new “moves” on the treadmill. After seeing some of their antics, I decided to use my treadmill for my 43 today. I didn’t do any of the moves they did but I’m going to try to figure out how to make some of them work. (I don’t have space between the back of my treadmill and the wall – I think I can use the front, just have to experiment!!)
So, the 43 today was a sliding squat on a moving treadmill!!! I just kept the speed at 1 mph since this was the first time I’ve ever tried these. Because the lead leg takes the brunt of the work, I did 43 facing right and another 43 facing left.
This was a fun way to use my treadmill. I’m going to work up to a little higher speed and 30% on the incline!! (maybe not for 43 though)
Today was Plyo HIIT with Les Mills Combat. My legs always feel like jelly after all of the jumping lunges and squats on this workout!! 30 minutes of plyo!!! I also did another round of Jillian Michaels – Six Weeks to a 6 Pack – Level 1. I like the fact that even though it is an ab work-out, she includes cardio and multi-muscle exercises. It is a brutal program!!!
One-on-one (and I’m not talking about basketball or personal training!) time with my boys is so important! I love the time I get to spend with just Jordan or just Hunter!! (and they are at an age where it’s not a lot of time anymore)
I think my favorite part of school days is in the morning when I take the boys to school. Because Jordan is in middle school which starts an hour earlier, it means 2 separate trips. In August, I wasn’t sure that I was going to like driving them every day (they could ride the bus you know!) but now I wouldn’t give that time up for anything!!!
This morning Jordan and I talked about friends. He is fairly quiet and completely OK with doing his own thing (which I love!!) but he does have a couple of good friends. He also deals with people every day (because he is in middle school and it’s how some kids are) that aren’t very nice.
Earlier this morning I read a great quote that Monica at Run Eat Repeat had on her post. (and it is to good not to share!!)
I shared this with Jordan as we were driving today because I think it definitely applies to the life of an adolescent! I just want him to always know that even when other kids say things that aren’t nice – it doesn’t change who he is because it really doesn’t have anything to do with him – just their need to be hateful!) 12-15 minutes (depending on the carpool line) every morning that I wouldn’t trade for a million dollars!!!
Hunter I spend most of the time talking about the song/artist playing on the radio or his newest technique for solving one of his many cubes.
Hunter’s Rubik collection
Every once in awhile we do something crazy like solve difficult math problems in our head! He’s 11 and still in elementary school (6th grade) – life is good for him!!!
So, for the next 3 months I will continue to treasure and enjoy every minute of these times that I have with my boys!!!
For my 43 today I borrowed a move from Fitknitchick. On Friday, she had a really great circuit that she shared on her blog. I just took one of the moves from it and turned it into my 43.
The move is an elevated plank knee-in. You start in plank except your feet are on the wall. The higher your feet, the easier the move will be. I tried (key word being – tried!) to keep a level plank because you know I love a challenge! From that crazy position, you alternate bringing your knees in to your chest.
I counted a right knee & a left knee as 1 rep. I’m not gonna lie – this was a HARD 43!!!
Then, I did a bit of Les Mills Combat – Combat 45. I know that the other day Combat 60 Live was my favorite but today this one is my fav!!! I love some of the jumping kicks in this one!!!
I decided to test my Achilles on the treadmill today! I ran 5 miles with 1.5% incline (6:15 pace) – with an easy mile after to cool down. I’m not hobbling right now so hopefully the week without running helped!!!
About the time I finished my run, Chris sent me a text about an upcoming deployment. I’m pretty used to this kind-of thing by now!! However, he said they need some crews.
Ummmm……HELLO!!! I’m running a 50 mile race and you are supposed to be the head of my road crew!! Then we have Jordan’s birthday and stuff…..Can you just tell them we are kind-of busy?? Nope!!
Deployments – what can I say?? The best part of a deployment?
hurry up!!getting the bags!welcome home!
Coming home!!!
Oh well, several months to get it all worked out!! In the meantime – gotta make every minute count!!