Today’s 43 was all about cardio. I did a right shuffle (4 shuffles) – touched my right hand to my right foot then reversed direction for 1 rep.
[youtuber youtube=’’]
Thanks, Hunter, for doing this demo (even without shoes!) – wish the lighting had been better. (I’m pretty sure that is due to user error!!!)
It was fun to do a simple, cardio based 43 for a change.
After the 43, I tried the Plank Ab-Burner that the Fitnessista posted yesterday. If you haven’t been over to her site and checked it out you should – your core will thank you (later!!!). It is only a 4-minute routine (good thing, too!) but it will challenge you the entire time!!!
For the rest of my workout on this rainy day in Kansas,

I hopped on my treadmill and did some incline work. I kept the speed down (6.5 miles in 60:30) but the incline at 10% for mile 1, 12% mile 2, 15% mile 3, then 12% for miles 4-6. YIKES!!! I think I need to get in more hills!!!
Enough work-out talk!!! Onto food – namely Kale. Last night, for the first time ever, I made some kale. This is the final product (after we had all taken a serving because I forget to get a picture before):
I’m not sure if it will make a return appearance at our table or not. I think I need more ideas for making it (or just to perfect the one I tried).
I keep reading about kale and all the benefits from it so I bought some and thought I would try to make kale chips. First off, I have no idea what it means to massage the kale!!! I washed it really well and tore it into bite size pieces. I tried to dry it but I’m pretty sure I didn’t do that very well.
Then I spread (more like piled) it on a large stone baking sheet, sprinkled (more like poured) some olive oil on it and sprinkled with season salt. I think this is where I really messed up – it looked like such a huge amount that I probably put way too much oil and salt.
Who knew that it would cook down to almost nothing? (not me for sure!!!) It didn’t get as crispy as I thought it would (I’m guessing the oil & not drying it enough had something to do with that).
The verdict: Hunter said it was a bit strong (I think he meant too salty!!!), Jordan said it was OK, and Chris didn’t really comment (which means not his favorite but he doesn’t like to say negative things about my cooking – he’s super smart!!!). I liked it fine but I think I need help if I’m going to try it again!
I googled some of the benefits of kale and found out the number 1 benefit is it can keep you looking attractive!!!! Another benefit is anti-aging!
So I think I better practice up on my kale techniques!!!
Any recipes or suggestions would be welcome!!!