Category Archives: Treadmill

A Happy Heart

Today’s 44 is one of those moves that looks like it’s no big deal but after you do a few you will feel it for sure!!!  

Start with weights in each hand and arms in an upright row position – 


From this position, flip your arms out and up over head –

top position
top position

Roll your arms back in front of you to the start to complete the first rep.  I started with 8 pound dumbbells but dropped down to 5 pounds after the first 22 because I could feel myself trying to swing the dumbbells.  44 of these were a challenge!!

Today is the 4th day of 100 jumping lunges – not my favorite but such an effective move – thanks, Taylor for really challenging me!!!

And, another day on the treadmill – always a happy thing!!!  Today was a quick 7 miles (1.5% incline – 47:51) and then 1.5 easy miles to finish up.

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Some days my heart is happy to the point of overflowing!!  Today is a happy heart day for sure!

This week has been a week of exciting new things for both of my boys.

Hunter has really been busy with cello stuff this year – school, Youth Philharmonic, private lessons, group…..In early January he submitted an entry to the Topeka Young Musician Awards.  Only 4 sting instruments (from all the 7th graders in Topeka) advance to the next level.  We found out Saturday that Hunter is one of those 4!!!

picture from last year

picture from last year

Hunter is nervous because this will be his first big solo in front of a large audience but he will be great.  The winner gets $200 and 2nd place $100 – he’s hoping to get his first cash prize!!!

Jordan did something at the beginning of this week that is completely outside of his comfort zone – he auditioned for a play with the Topeka Civic Theater.  Jordan is very quiet outside of our home except with a few good friends but a friend who has been acting for years talked him into it because it is his favorite book, movie…..

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We found out yesterday that he has a couple of roles in the play!!!!  I’m so proud of him for even trying out and now he will be doing something that makes him nervous but that he is excited about!!!

I’m proud of both boys for even trying these things and I’m proud of them for being willing to push themselves outside of their comfort zones to perform in front of others!!!

Every day these guys make my heart happy!!!

my boys
my boys

Happy Thursday!!!


My Top Tip for Productivity

I used 2 of my new mini wobble balls today for the 44 – 

aren't they fun?
aren’t they fun?

I decided to just do a basic squat while trying (key word!!) to stay balanced!!

see how unstable my feet are?
see how unstable my feet are?
balanced (for now)

This was a fun way to get in some squats (44 of them) – the balance challenge makes it completely different!!!

Today was also a running day (gotta watch The Bachelor so I kill 2 birds at the same time!!!).  1.5% incline – 9 miles – 63:31

Watching mindless TV (like The Bachelor) makes the time go by very quickly!!!

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 7.00.12 AMI think that we all want to be as productive as possible (at least most days) but there are times when we are completely overwhelmed by everything we need (or want) to do.

My #1 way to increase Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 7.00.01 AMis by making lists – lots and lots of lists!!!

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 6.50.43 AMI have tried making lists on my iPad with different apps but those lists just don’t give me the same satisfaction as a list on a plain note-pad.

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 7.04.03 AMI put everything on lists – simple things (workout, blog, pay bills…..), projects,  ideas for my daily 44, grocery lists, recipes to make in the upcoming week or two – pretty much all of the stuff that clutters my mind goes on a list.  

I know that some people think it wastes time to write stuff down before you do it but for me it helps keep me focused and I find it very rewarding every time I can cross something off!!!

And, there have been many times that I’ve done something and then added it to the list just for the privilege of marking it off!

Are you a list maker?
What is your top tip for productivity?

Happy Tuesday!!!


Sunny Saturday

Today I worked my hips with the 44 – I did an airplane move.

Start on all 4s (table top position) and extend your right leg out to the side – 

easy part
easy part

Lift your right leg and hold for a 2 count before lowering –

lift and hold
lift and hold

About the time that your hips are dying (you will feel it on both sides!!!), you should be done with however many reps you picked (44 for me) and then you get to switch sides!!!

gearing up for side 2
gearing up for side 2
lift and hold
lift and hold

This move looks easy but I always feel it after I’m done!!!

I’m fixing to head down and run – my mileage has been a little low this week so I’m hoping to get in a nice long run – 10 miles or so!!

Kimberly @ All Work and No Play Makes Mommy Go Something Something nominated me for the Sunshine Award earlier this week and today seemed like a great day to share some sunshine!!!

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Kimberly had some fun questions – lets hope I can answer them all!!!

1.  If Jane had 3 apples and John had 78 nails, how many layers of clothing are you wearing (how is the weather in your neck of the woods?)?
I’m just wearing shorts, sports bra and short-sleeved shirt (see above pictures) with a fleece jacket on while I type – fixing to run on my treadmill!!  It’s currently 28 degrees but we are supposed to get to 50 today!!!  Good-bye snow (I hope!!).

2.  What is keeping you sane during these long winter months?
RUNNING and looking at pictures of the beach!!!

3.  If you were on a boat with a box of chocolate and your Mother in Law, who would you throw overboard?
Well, hmmm… Mother-in-Law passed away almost exactly 7 years ago and I have days where I can take or leave chocolate so….If it is warm and sunny, I will just hang out and soak up the sun – otherwise I’m going in!

4.  What’s in your underwear drawer besides underwear?
Ummm…my little nightgowns – pretty boring over here!!

5.  Do you trust yourself with sharp objects near your face? (as in do you pluck your own eyebrows?  Do you have any eyebrow horror stories?)
I only pluck when it’s absolutely necessary.  For the most part I let Jennifer (my hairdresser of 13ish years) take care of my eyebrows – she can wax them but no way would I try to do that on my own!

6.  I am terrified of dead bodies, spiders and the dentist.  What are you scared of?
Snow!!!  Well, not really scared of it but I have an aversion to it that gets worse every single year!!!

7.  Does your husband cut up the back of your legs with his long toenails when you sleep?
HaHa – sorry Shawn (Kimberly’s husband) – NO!!!  And, if there are ever times that they do feel too long I just scootch over – the beauty of a king size bed!!!

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According to the rules I’m supposed to nominate more people and keep this going but I suck at that.  It causes me far to much stress to pick just a few people because all y’all deserve Sunshine!!!

So instead of picking a few, I’m just going to give everyone the Sunshine Award – Screen Shot 2014-02-15 at 8.42.42 AMHappy Saturday – I hope your day truly is full of sunshine!!!


What Would You Do?

Today’s 44 is thanks to Josie @ Yum Yucky.  She did a twisted burpee which I’ve never done before so I had to fix that!!!  

And since I did her move I’m going to share her video instead of making my own (plus it is parent-teacher conferences so the boys are out of school and still asleep!!).

Josie’s videos are way more fun than mine ever will be!!!

Pretty much anytime I do 44 burpees I feel like it is a good move!!!  Oh, and I did the push-up on every rep!

I also did a nice easy run today – still working on increasing my overall run days and mileage!!!

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I have a couple of situations that have come up and I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to handle them.  I thought I would throw them out here and see what advice y’all have.

1.  I met with a couple back in October who wanted to have their reception in our venue in March.  They loved the venue and had a date picked which was available.  I explained that a 50% deposit along with the contract holds the date and the balance is due 1 month prior to the event.  

They came back in January for another look and said they still wanted the same date.  I told them it was still available and again explained the procedure to book it.  They have emailed a couple of times saying they will get the deposit to me  the following week – which hasn’t happened.

Earlier this week I had a phone call from someone who wants to have a large shower at our venue on the same date (March 15).  

I emailed the couple and told them that they still haven’t officially booked the date and if this other party completes a contract and pays me then they can have it.

The guy called me yesterday and said, “OH, no we are still planning on that date.  We will meet you on Saturday to give you the deposit.  Our invitations have already gone out with the date and address.”  Seriously?!

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What would you do?!  I told him that I need the contract and not just a deposit but the entire amount since Saturday is a month prior.  

2.  The day after we closed on the venue (in August), we had a charity event  that had been booked for months.  It was actually free for them because they are a non-profit health agency that does a lot of great things.  

About a month later the lady in charge of the event contacted me and said they loved our venue and asked if I would be interested in donating it for a few more of their upcoming events.  She gave me the dates and I had them all available so I said, “Yes, I would be happy to.  Let me know how you want things set-up and what all you need for each event.”

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Last week I realized that the first event was on the calendar for this week.  I kept thinking I would hear from them.  I was trying to plan out my week and actually my day because it was on a day that I was completely booked with appointments, other events and stuff for Hunter’s school.

Tuesday morning I emailed my contact and asked her what I needed to do to set up (the event was scheduled for Wednesday).  I told her that I had some appointments Wednesday morning and would be tied up all morning so I needed to take care of it in advance since I had them scheduled for 12:30 on Wednesday!!!

She emailed me back at 10:50 on Wednesday (less than 2 hours prior to the original meeting time) and said that they had decided to cancel the event!

What would you do?!  Now I am completely torn about the next 3 dates that I have marked off for them.  I feel like I’m committed to still offer the dates but now instead of being happy to help this group out I feel like I’m only doing it because I can’t go back on my word.  

Screen Shot 2014-02-13 at 8.02.05 AMI like that quote – maybe I should put that on my business website!!!  (just kidding -sort of)

Feel free to share your advice – I’m still trying to figure out this whole “running a business” gig!!!

Happy Thursday!!




Off my Game a Bit but Totally Nailed my Step Goal!!!

Today’s 44 was all about the core.  I did a sit-up with a twist.  Start on your back with the soles of your feet together and your hands clasped over your head – 


From this position, sit-up, twist to the right while bringing your arms down to the right – 

twist right
twist right

Return to the start then come up and twist to the left –

twist left
twist left

This was a good move because to complete all 44 reps I actually had to do 88 sit-ups!!!

Today was a running day – 1.5% incline – 9 miles in 69:29 + 1.75 miles nice and easy.  

Tuesday is pretty much always a treadmill day for me because I like to watch Monday night’s episode of The Bachelor and I don’t feel guilty when I’m running at the same time!!!

Guess What?!

Screen Shot 2014-02-11 at 7.23.24 AMWhen you run over 10 miles, you can easily get 10,000 steps – all before 7:00 am!!!

I guess today’s goal needs to be 20,000 steps so I don’t turn into a slug for the rest of the day!!!

My schedule feels off today (and it’s only 7:30) – I think it’s because I have a sick boy.  Even though my boys aren’t little any more, when they are sick they seem younger!!!  

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Poor Hunter – came home from school yesterday completely fine and then about 2 hours later he was totally miserable – terrible headache and a stomachache.  He has been sleeping pretty much nonstop since  6:00 pm yesterday evening.  Hopefully a day full of rest and liquids and he will feel much better again!!!

Maybe if I run up and down the stairs all day checking on him I will reach my 20,000 step goal – taking care of my sickie and getting steps – sounds like a game plan for the day!

Happy Tuesday!
