Category Archives: Uncategorized

Not My Favorite

When the boys were little I didn’t want them saying “I don’t like that” about food I had taken the time to make.  So we started saying, “It’s not my favorite” if we didn’t really care for something.

So, today I’m sharing some things that Aren’t My Favorite!!!

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Green Peas – I didn’t even feed peas to my boys when they were babies because I can’t stand the smell of them!!!  When we have Chinese food I actually pick the peas out of my fried rice.

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Snow – I know a lot of people see snow and think it’s so pretty.  I see it and just think COLD!!!  There is really nothing about snow that I enjoy!!!

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Slow/Idiot Drivers – I get that not everyone likes to drive fast (weird but….).  However, people who drive  under the speed limit drive me crazy!!  And, if that person turns out right in front of me and then pokes along – I get cranky!!!

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Action Movies – I just can’t get into them!!  I like happy feel good movies or none at all!  Any sports movie based on a true story is great!!  Chick Flicks?  Love them!

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Running Injuries – Any runner or athlete will tell you that being injured is the worst!!!  Thankfully I’m not injured right now but I know several people who are and I know it sucks for them!!!

What are some things that “aren’t your favorite?”
Does it bug you when you make dinner (or any meal) and someone says, “I don’t like this.”?

Happy Friday!!!


Taking Action

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Lately I feel like I’ve been struggling in lots of ways.  I had great intentions to make 2015 a banner  year and I feel like about 2 weeks into the year I was already in a rut.

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But, a couple weeks ago I took the first step to getting out of this rut.  I signed up for a workshop  with the incredible Tara (Family Sport Life) called From Stuck to Unstoppable.  It is a 6 week small group coaching approach and so far (just over a week in) I’m loving it.

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This year I really want to take our event venue to a different level.  I feel like last year was all about learning what I was doing both as a business owner and with a venue.

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I have so many ideas and things I want to do and try but I tend to get in my own way because I’m afraid of failure and rejection when I reach out to people.  I know that not every idea will work and not every person I approach will be receptive and that has me sort of stuck!

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Sometimes I feel like the little things that I do aren’t helping but I know this is like an ultra than a spring – slow and steady is the way to go!!!

Screen Shot 2015-02-10 at 8.23.27 PMAnd, I know that even some of my “great” ideas won’t work.  So I just need to brace myself and start acting on these ideas!!!

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So, instead of thinking of ideas and ways they might fail I’m going to take my ideas and put some action behind them!!!  Some will fail and others might actually turn out to be really great – I won’t know until I try!!!

Do you ever let fear of failure hold you back from acting?
How do you motivate yourself into taking action?

Happy Wednesday!!


A Smile Doesn’t Always Tell the Whole Story

I try to be real in all aspects of my life but I still think that what most people see is only part of the real me.

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Most of the time people see the happy smiling version of me.

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There are many times that my smile is just a surface smile.  It is to cover up the inner turmoil or stress.

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There are lots of times that I “fake” my happy – some days I can pull that off and end up truly being happy.  Other days it is just a cover.

I have always been an overly independent person and for some reason I convinced myself that part of being independent meant never letting anyone think that I needed anything.

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There are times that I feel very lonely and I think it is because I have spent so much of my life being the strong person who has everything together that I have put up walls.

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Other than Chris (because I have told him), I don’t think that anyone who knows me realizes that there are many times that I appear happy but on the inside I’m the opposite of happy.

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When someone asks me how I am I always say, “Fine.”  Sometimes I want to say, “Well, actually, I could use some help”  or “I need a hug” or “I have a great life but right now it doesn’t seem like things are great.”

But instead I just smile and carry on.

Do you have walls that keep people from knowing the true you?
Do you ever feel like you have to pretend to be happy?

Happy Monday!


I Like Fast Food

This might surprise some people but I really do like fast food!!!  I know a lot of y’all  don’t like any form of fast food but I pretty much like all of them!!!

Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 8.02.19 PMSonic makes a really great cheeseburger!!!

Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 8.03.36 PMI love McDonald’s french fries!!!

Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 8.04.38 PMTaco Bell was my go-to for years because I could eat there for under $2.00!!!  (3 tacos for 0.49 each + ice water)

Yep!  I love all of those places and many others (Burger King, Schlotzsky’s, Chipotle, pizza…..).

Just because I enjoy them doesn’t mean I eat them all the time though.  In fact, we rarely eat out at all, fast food or otherwise.   Most nights I cook and lunch is usually left-overs.

I’m an athlete and work every day to be the best form of me that I can be but I also like a lot of foods that many people would never even consider eating.

I will never give up fast food entirely but  I also have no plans to eat it all the time!!

Do you eat fast food at all?
What is your favorite?

Happy Friday!


Just Dance

I will be the first to tell you that I have zero rhythm!!!  Chris, on the other hand, is a great dancer.  At 46, he can still break dance – it is very impressive!!! (one day maybe he will make a video!!!)

This past Saturday Jordan went to his first dance!

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The week leading up to the dance Chris wanted to make sure that Jordan knew how to dance.

There was a demo from Chris –

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No, not like that.

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Nope, not that either.

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Close but no!!

Chris demoed the snap and sway!!  I’m pretty sure that was from the 80s or ???????  I told him that kids don’t dance like that now.

As it turns out the big thing at dances now is –

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I guess Skrillex is a big deal?!

So, there is really no need to learn to dance – just jump and swing around to the “beat.”

Just dance and have fun!!!

Do you like to dance?
What type of music do you like to dance to (or listen to)?

Happy Wednesday!!
