An addictive personality refers to a particular set of personality traits that make an individual predisposed to addictions. (according to Wikipedia)
There have been many times in my life that I’ve felt like I have an addictive personality. I have to really watch myself sometimes because I have an “All or None” mentality in a lot of circumstances.
Exercise is one example – I feel like if 1 hour is good then 5 would be better!! Thankfully, unless I start getting up at 2 or 3 every morning then I can’t fit 5 hours of exercise into my day!!
There was a time in my early 20s that I would go for a run at 11:30 at night when I got off work because I felt like I had to get in a 2nd run for the day – not always a good choice!!!
All the little games/apps that can be played on the phone are dangerous for me. I have wasted way too many hours playing –
andOn Sunday Hunter introduced me to a new
time suck game –
I have lost hours this week on this game – late at night, waiting places, when I should be working…..I keep thinking, “just one more game” and then an hour will pass and I’m still trying to beat the game!
Part of why I limit the TV series that I watch is because I get obsessed and want to watch every single episode in a day – ummm….that is not a good thing – unless I combine it with the exercise thing and watch from the treadmill!!! (just kidding -sort of!)
Even in blog reading I find myself being very obsessive about it – lately my Bloglovin feed has been out of control. I can’t even begin to make it through the list but I try because my personality says, “you need to go through the whole list EVERY day!!”
What about you? Do you feel like you have an addictive personality or can you play one game, watch one episode, read a few blogs…..and move on?
Happy Friday!!!
I would love to spend the day trying to win 2048 and read blogs but I’m off to clean and set up for an event!