The alarm was really rude this morning – it started shrieking blaring going off at 5:15! Oh well – it is nice to already have all of my work-out done by 7:00 (and be totally ready for the day!!!).
The 43 was a bit of cardio today – the Heisman. (I got this one from Insanity.) It is a quick three step to the right and on the third step lift your left knee and lower your right elbow, then reverse the move. I counted a right and left move as one rep. This is a fun way to get your heart rate up quickly!
[youtuber youtube=’′]
(Yes, those are the same shorts I had on yesterday because I made the demo yesterday since I knew today was an early day!) The actual 43 I did this morning at the butt-crack of dawn!
I also lifted again – it has been a week but I had to let the little strain from the 5 M100s get better! I did Chalean Extreme Push Circuit 2 (the one with a lot of shoulder work!). It felt good to lift again!
Today will be a long day at school – subbing in a SPED class today – but it shouldn’t be too hard because there is a student teacher.
Have a super Monday!!!