I love the fact that both of my boys have totally embraced my daily 43 and are willing to help me by filming me or doing the demos themselves!!! I REALLY love it when they pick the move of the day!!!
Today’s 43 is compliments of Hunter. He told me I should do classic boxing (classic according to Hunter). Perfect – what would that be? Duh….. (sometimes my boys think I don’t know things – shows what they know!!!). Classic boxing: jab-jab-punch-jab-jab-punch-uppercut-hook.
- right jab
- right jab
- left punch
- right jab
- right jab
- left punch
- right uppercut
- left hook
Well, I decided that I wanted to make the “classic boxing” a little more challenging so I added this:

Much better!!!
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krPD8W3BoEo’]
Of course, after I did the first 43, I had to switch sides and do another 43 using the opposite arm for each move!!! Thanks for a great idea, Hunter. This worked my core, arms, legs (I kept my knees slightly bent in a semi-squat on BOSU) and got my heart rate up!!!
Yesterday was a perfect snow day!!! The boys and I spent about 3 hours playing Monopoly (I won!! Chris thinks I’m awful but it is all in fun). Last night, Chris and I met up with some great friends for drinks and dinner – good times!!!
A good friend posted this on my Facebook page yesterday:Um….yes, please!!! See, here is my “work-out equipment” ready to go!

The other night a friend of mine gave me an early Christmas gift. The best part?

I can’t even begin to tell you how much this bell entertains me. Chris, however, doesn’t seem to find it quite as much fun – not sure why?!?! I think it will grow on him!!! (or he might try to hide it…hmmmm)
Gotta bundle up and do some last minute errands and hit up the grocery store (not sure how that venture plays into Fun Friday since it will be a crazy mess – maybe I should take my bell with me!!!)
Enjoy your Fun Friday!!!