Today I did another combo move for the 43. I did a single-leg dead lift with a reverse grip row. This one took awhile because I like to do dead lifts at a slow, controlled pace and I had to do 2 sets of 43 to get both legs taken care of equally!!

You can see that I have a slight bend in my base leg – I would rather do that than end up rounding my back and hurting myself.

I liked this 43 – I prefer moves that work multiple muscle groups and this one got my hamstrings and back really well!!!
I did Day 3 of the 12 Days of Fitness – this is really a fun idea!
I also used Hunter’s new punching bag again today.

I love this thing!!! I did a solid 22 minutes on the punching bag – 3 sets of 50 single arm jabs (each side) and 500 alternating punches plus a set of 100 single arm jabs (each side) and then 1000 alternating punches. Then I did about 3 minutes with the speed bag – I need to work on my timing for sure!!
I’m hoping that all of the punching will increase my shoulder strength – plus it has to be good for my core!!! :Delighted:
My original plan for today was to hop on the elliptical. I sort-of really hate that machine but I decided it would be a good cardio alternative while I can’t run. I said something about it last night to Chris and he was adamantly against it. He thinks that I’m going to have to be out of running even longer than 8 weeks because of my complete disregard of the Doc’s rules. He feels the need to keep reminding me that it’s not just about not running – I’m supposed to be completely non-weight bearing (crutches). Blah, blah, blah…….I know he’s right but I’m still not going to quit all working out!!! I figured nixing the elliptical was a good compromise!
I think I mentioned before that Hunter is very good at solving this little puzzle:
Well, yesterday afternoon he got a new challenge handed to him.

Rubik Revenge
By the time he went to bed last night he had pretty much figured out how to solve it – he just needed to perfect the technique and “get quicker”.

Here he is this morning with both of them solved (although he is still trying to decide on the “best” method for the 4 x 4). Genius!!!

Jordan doesn’t have any interest in trying to solve it. He just waits for Hunter to solve it and then acts like he did it!!! Then, he messes it up again!!! Silly!
Happy Fun Friday!!!