(Serious issues with my WordPress site today – not making me happy!!!)
Today I did a 43 and that is the extent of my work-out (maybe my entire day!)
I took my BOSU and turned it upside down like this:

Then, I used it for one of my favorite moves of all times: Push-Ups!!!
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5PGASJ9NXY’]
This was Jordan’s fist demo in awhile (since he was sick and a germ carrier!!!). I counted each push-up as 1 rep so I did a total of 43 push-ups and 43 jumps!

Yesterday afternoon my throat started hurting (wah, wah…..) and today I can tell I’m not 100%. Hopefully if I take it easy today (lay around and watch mindless TV!!!), I will be good as new by morning. Hmmm..maybe I was already a little under the weather yesterday morning and that’s why I struggled so much during my run – That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!
Happy Birthday to my sister-in-law and super friend – Stacy!!!!!

Making the T-shirt from Cait look great!! Super cute!!! Have an awesome birthday, Stacy!!! Wish we didn’t live so far away!
Happy Sunday!