Today I literally jumped out of bed and had my 43 done within the first 5 minutes I was up!!!
I did 43 air jacks – like a jumping jack but you jump higher and swing your arms bigger – you make a big X in the air.

These are a total Turbo Fire move so I thought the picture should be Chalean today! A great 43 and a great way to start the day.
I’ve got a huge challenge work-out planned for tomorrow so I decided to give myself a break today after the jacks. I have a tendency to not take days off – have to force myself.
Plus….last night we went out with friends and by the time I got home I had committed to subbing for PE again today. My day will probably be similar to this:
[youtuber youtube=’’]
Well, maybe not quite but I’m pretty sure that Friday is always dodgeball in PE. I better make sure I have extra Excedrin!! I’m sure it will be fun – it has to since it is Fun Friday!!!