Today’s 44 was nice – only because I got to lay on the floor while doing it! I did a leg lift to the front.

If you do these in a slow controlled way (no swinging!), your hips will start to burn after just a few reps – by 44 my hips were screaming!!!
And, since I don’t want to be unbalanced, I had to flip over and do the other leg.

Truly, the best part was relaxing on the floor!!!
Today’s InsanityAsylum vol. 2 workout was brutal – Power Legs. It was only 50 minutes but I was dying!!! After the super active warm-up, you use this cute little band –

I think we spent about 15 minutes doing moves with this around our ankles – plyo moves!!! Not only were my legs dying but my heart rate was way up there!!! Then, just for fun (I guess) at the end you spend 5 1/2 minutes holding some form of a pulsing squat, plie or lunge (with a dumbbell!!!) – YIKES!!!!
Yesterday for some reason I started thinking about names and all the people I know who are named for someone – in our family alone the list is long:
- Jordan Earl – Chris’ grandpa was Earl
- Hunter Jack – my Poppa was Jack
- Thomas Christopher – Chris’ dad was Thomas Wayne (he went by Wayne) and his paternal grandpa was Thomas ______ (I can’t remember). We thought about continuing the tradition and using Thomas Jordan but it wasn’t my favorite so…
- Amanda (Mandi) Lou (my sister) – Lou was my Mema’s middle name
- my sister’s son is Hadley Max – her husband’s (Eric) dad goes by Max
- Isabel Kay (my niece that was here last week) – Kay is Stacy’s mom
- Hays Matthew (my cute little nephew) – Hays was my Mema’s maiden name and Matthew is Sam’s middle name
- Jennifer Bailey (Tim’s oldest daughter) – Jennifer is for her mom’s , Dina, best friend – she goes by Bailey
- Emma (Tim’s youngest daughter) – our paternal grandma’s middle name was Emma but Tim didn’t realize that until after they named her
- Seaver Hancock (Tim’s son) – Hancock is my Mema & Poppa’s last name
I think lot’s of people name their kids after family (or friends). Other names are picked just because people like the way they sound. Some people (I might be in this category!!!) like symmetry in names. (both of the boys first names have 6 letters and their middle names 4)
I’ve never been overly excited about my name – Kimberly Lyn – sort of plain and no reason to it. My parents didn’t know they were having twins (no ultrasounds back then) but they thought that rhyming names (Kim & Tim) would be nice.
Reading blogs it is interesting to see the names people have chosen for their blogs – some have a specific reason behind their blog name (I always love reading about how people picked the name of their blogs!!!) and some people change their blog names as the blog evolves.
Are you named for anyone?
Do you like your name?
Is there a good story behind the name of your blog?
I guess that’s plenty of questions – so much to learn!!!
Happy Wednesday!!!