One of My Favorite Jobs

The summer after my freshman year in college I worked at a huge camp for kids, youth, adults……Some of the groups had private cabins that they stayed in and other people stayed in hotels.

I was a maid!!!Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 9.07.23 PM

Actually, I started the summer working in the preschool program.  It was HORRIBLE!!!  I was 18 and we had all of these 2 year olds that were out of control.  But, we weren’t allowed to say “NO.”  UGH!!!

Thankfully, I was able to switch with someone and trade

Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 9.12.18 PMforScreen Shot 2014-05-08 at 9.13.02 PMBeing a maid was such a fun job!!

I loved everything from organizing my cart every morning (I have issues) to trying to make sure I was the first one (maid) done with all of my rooms for the day (I have LOTS of issues!).

And being done meant passing the white glove test.

Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 9.15.49 PMThe best skill I learned was to strip a bed and remake it in under 3 minutes!!!  And, it had to be neat and straight!!  Not gonna lie – I loved the challenge of trying to do this every day in all of my rooms.

Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 9.19.23 PMI didn’t really look like that – I’m pretty sure I wore workout running shirts with my “maid-issued” T-shirt but still – I was like a pro!!!

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I figured if I was going to do to clean other people’s grime, I might as well find a way to make it fun!!  For me, the challenge of doing a good job and still finishing first was perfect!  Every day was a good day to work because I always had fun!!!

What was your favorite job?
Do you have tricks to make tasks seem more fun?

Happy Friday!!
