Today my 43 was all about working my legs!!! Finally!!!
I did a 4-count lunge: Lunge forward with right leg, clap overhead, clap under leg, clap overhead, step back – switch to left leg – repeat = 1 rep.
[youtuber youtube=’′]
Not gonna lie – 43 of these and my quads were burning, my arms were getting tired and I was breathing hard – I might be a little out of shape!!!
Today I RAN!!! This was my first run in over 3 weeks and obviously, my first run since having surgery. I was actually really SCARED!!! Like, awake half the night thinking about it, SCARED.
I don’t know why the thought of running scared me so much. I have run after numerous injuries – Achilles tendonitis, a torn calf muscle, stress fractures galore (the last one in my hip and I ran with it for 3 months) – I’ve run during 2 pregnancies and after giving birth x2 – I’ve run after wiping out during a run with blood streaming down me – but not after having part of my legs striped away.
It is completely irrational – a runner scared to run?!
But today – I was scared to run!!! So, I geared myself in compression stuff (I knew the wraps would be a mess) –

compression socks
I told myself what I needed to do –
And I ran.
As much as I wanted to test out my new Garmin,I decided to save that for another day and stick to the comfort of my treadmill (my overcoming and digging down only carried me so far!).
I started this run slower than I have EVER run but then I felt “it” come back and I drop-kicked the fear and just enjoyed the fact that slow or fast – I AM STILL A RUNNER!!!
I ran 5 miles and walked 1/4 mile.
- Did it hurt? Yes
- Have other runs hurt? Of course
- Can I run through pain? DUH!!!
- Will the next one be easier? Without a doubt!!!!
I’m glad that I didn’t let my fear hold me back!!!
What fear are you facing today? Big or little – you can beat it!!!
Happy Wednesday!!!