Say What You Mean

The 43 today worked my butt and quads.  I did a single-leg squat.  I didn’t fully extend the leg I was working during the 43 so it really fired up my quads!

straighten your back!!
straighten your back!!

It was a little hard to keep my back straight, touch the floor and not lose my balance and topple over – goo thing we all know that I’m used to looking like a complete dork!

don't fall!
don’t fall!

This was a fun 43 for me!  (Don’t worry, I did 43 with each leg!).

I was going to go out and run today – put on my tights and everything.  But my legs are tired feeling and  I decided that I should probably take a day off instead.  I don’t really like to take days off  (actually I hate taking days off!!!)- maybe part of why I tend to get injured?!?!

Does anyone else struggle with taking days off?  Really, all I want to do right now is go work up a good sweat.  So – here I am trying to be happy with the day off planScreen shot 2013-01-27 at 11.40.41 AM

Last night we had some friends over and fired up the party machine:

This time  we had rum drinks – almost felt like we had left Kansas and were hanging out on a tropical island somewhere – ALMOST.   Even though we were still in Kansas, it was fun to catch up with  friends and enjoy some tasty drinks!

I shared this little list of “women’s” terms with Chris and the other guys:Screen shot 2013-01-26 at 2.39.54 PMOf course, they all said that when they say “fine” they mean fine – WHATEVER!  My favorite is WOW!!!  Although, now that I have shared this with Chris, I might have to come up with some new phrases!!!  (just kidding, babe!)

I thought the list was entertaining but for the most part I really do say what I think or feel.  Do you have little things you say when you mean something completely different?

Happy Sunday!
