Sleep-In Saturday

Today’s 43 was actually really fun!  It involved my stability ball – Stability BallI put my upper back on the ball with my feet on the floor (sort of a reverse table top), clasped my hands together and started with them overhead, then I did a slow twist to the right, to the left and back to the center for 1 rep.

[youtuber youtube=’′]

Even though the main target in this move is your core (especially obliques), you will start to feel it in your butt & hamstrings because of holding yourself up!!

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When the boys were younger, every Friday night when we tucked them in we would remind them – “Tomorrow is Sleep-in Saturday!!”   I’m not sure it really ever worked for them but at least they knew that we (Chris & I) weren’t going to get up as early as we normally do.

Last night when I fell into bed, I was so excited to remind myself that it was sleep-in Saturday.  Screen shot 2013-08-31 at 7.46.22 AM

And that (see above) is pretty much how things went!!!  I guess I sort-of slept in since I woke up at 6:25 (instead of my normal 5:00) but I was really hoping for closer to 8:00!!!

Oh well, up and getting stuff done for the day – always a good thing!!!  Chris & Hunter left at 7:30 for a gun safety class so they didn’t really sleep-in either.

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At least Jordan got the memo!!!  He is still snoozing away!!!  (all those early mornings for band are taking a toll on him!)

seal pup
seal pup

One day I will sleep-in again but not today!!!

Do you have sleep-in Saturday?  How late do you sleep when you sleep-in?


Happy “Sleep-in” Saturday!!!
