This week was full of those little incidences that you have to just laugh about to keep from getting stressed!!!
Monday – I was hoping to watch some of the Boston Marathon – But, after spending the morning cleaning the venue, I had enough time to drive home, catch the final 5 minutes of the men’s race, shower and get back to the venue for a meeting.
At the meeting , the couple brought in a baby and a 7 year old girl (she wasn’t in school because she had been sent home earlier that day with pink eye) – the guy told me they were all sick – after I shook hands with everyone!!!
Tuesday – I had my 3 month check with the dermatologist after having some skin cancer removed. Before I left his office he had used some weird thing to “freeze” about 10 spots off my hands and face and taken a scalpel to a spot on my back to test a “worrisome” spot.
Normally when we have events at the venue I don’t stay. However, Tuesday evening we had an event that I had to stay for. Driving home I couldn’t figure out why it seemed like the Topeka drivers were worse than normal. When I finally got close to home (it is about 20 minutes driving through town) I realized that somehow the know had gotten turned and I was driving without lights on – OOPS!!!
Thursday – I had a full morning of ironing tablecloths lined up. About 45 minutes into my ironing/book on CD one of our tenants text me that a squirrel had made a nest inside the wall/ceiling of her apartment.

Almost 2 hours and a full education on squirrels later (thank you Critter Control) I was finally back to ironing for the event that afternoon – thankfully I finished with over an hour to spare.
See – sometimes it is good to just laugh at all the petty stuff that happens.
What things did you choose to laugh at this week instead of letting them cause you stress?
Happy Friday!!