Spring Break

Screen Shot 2015-03-12 at 9.00.05 PMMy boys started spring break today (tomorrow is a teacher work day since it is the end of the quarter) and it is much needed!!!

Actually, Hunter hasn’t been to school since Tuesday because he has the flu – poor guy has been pretty miserable for a couple of days.

We don’t have any big vacation plans for the week (good thing since Hunter is sick) but it will be a great week of relaxing and recharging for all of us!!!

Screen Shot 2015-03-12 at 9.03.13 PMChris is going to work Monday & Tuesday but then he will take the rest of the week off so we will have several days with no alarms and very few obligations!!!

The weather looks like it will be fairly nice most of the week (never know with spring in Kansas) so we should be able to be outside some even if it’s not beach weather!!!

We are looking forward to a simple week with no big plans except to enjoy ourselves and let go of our schedule for a few days – perfect!!!

Do you like spring break (or vacation weeks) when you can relax at home or do you prefer taking a big trip?

Happy Friday!!!
