Today my first born turns 16!! Just thinking back over the last 16 years makes my heart full!! I can’t imagine my life without this sweet boy/young man!!!

Jordan is one of those kids who has always been very even tempered and rarely ever upset for very long.

These days I rarely have to ask him for help – he just steps in and helps me around the house – especially in the kitchen.

I love when he does some of the exercises I like to do even if he can do them better than me!!

Pictures with the boys are always fun – Jordan is silly a lot!!!

Since starting high school Jordan has developed a huge love of band!!! He loves to practice his trumpet and I enjoy hearing him play.

Jordan is in ROTC at school – I know Chris loves seeing him in uniform.

I love that Jordan and Hunter get along so well – they are good friends even if they don’t claim to be!!!

Jordan has loved history and all things related to history for years!!

He tried cross country in middle school and enjoyed the running but not really the competing. Now he just runs because he loves it.

Even when he was little – always smiling!

He taught Hunter many things including the “correct” way to use sidewalk chalk.

Look how Hunter looks up to Jordan!!!

Now he is 16 – now he has more freedom – now I let him go just a little more.

My wish for him is that he will always be this free and willing to dive in to new things!!!

Happy Birthday, Jordan
Happy 16th to my sweet boy!! I might always consider you my baby because you were my very first!!!
Happy Monday!!!